Upcoming opening of Steinhardt Museum of Natural History

Israel's first and only center for natural history research and outreach

10 July 2017
Steinhardt museum

Construction is under way on the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, with plans to open its doors to the public in fall 2017. The new museum building will house and preserve TAU's natural history collection of over five and a half million specimens. The 8,000 square meter building will include laboratories and an auditorium and will be used by hundreds of researchers from Israel and abroad. The museum will form the centerpiece of the largest and most comprehensive center in Israel for biodiversity research, education and conservation. Operating under the auspices of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, it will serve as an important resource for thousands of Israeli and international visitors and researchers each year.   


Major collections include a Zoological Museum, Fossil and Sub-Fossils, Fungi and Lower Plants, and Human Evolution & Biohistory. The Dan David Center for Human Evolution and Bio-History Research is one of the most important collections of its kind in the world. It showcases the evolution of humans in the Middle East from 1.5 million years ago up until today. The Dan David Center includes technical and research laboratories, as well as an exhibition on the origin and evolution of humankind.  The Center serves as the physical home of the National Biological Anthropology Collection.


The museum is supported by former Chairman of the TAU Board of Governors, Michael Steinhardt, and his wife, Judy. The project has received additional major support from government and private charitable sources. 


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