Clinical Sites

Clinical students
Students at the School of Medicine gain clinical experience at our affiliated hospitals

The Faculty of Medicine is affiliated with nearly 20 medical centers in Israel. This hospital network is an integral part of the research and teaching activities at the faculty. The staff and personnel at these partner institutes are closely integrated with Tel Aviv University and form the basis of the Faculty's clinical departments. Our faculty members are devoted to providing advanced care to their patients and mentoring future doctors.


Our affiliated hospitals and clinics include Chaim Sheba Medical Center, a literal "hospital city" and the largest health center in the Middle East. We also partner with several other large hospitals, such as Meir Medical Center which treats the Israeli Olympic team and Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov) that offers a large-scale emergency response Trauma Center. Students and researchers have access to a number of community clinics and mental health centers like the calming Shalvata Mental Health Center located in the countryside. Our nursing, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy students also benefit from collaborations with many rehabilitation centers. Read more about our affiliated clinical sites below.


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