About Communication Disorders

Communication Disorders
The department of Communication Disorders

Head of the department:
Dr. Daphna Ari-Evenroth

To contact us call: 972-3-6409217 (ext. 101/102)

The Department of Communication Disorders at Tel Aviv University was founded in 1967.

The studies in the department train clinicians to diagnose and treat language disorders, speech and hearing disorders as well as training skilled researchers in these areas.
Most of the studies of the Department of Communication Disorders are held at the Sheba Medical Center, in the building of the Department of Communication Disorders (rather than in the university campus in Ramat-Aviv).
The department maintains a BA Graduate, Master and PhD studies.


Studies towards the "University Graduate" (B.A.) degree

The aim of these studies is to train a speech therapist to independently  diagnose and treat disorders in the fields of hearing, language and speech.
The patient population includes newborns, children, adults and the elderly.
The duration of the program is 3.5 years (seven semesters) and includes compulsory studies and clinical work. The curriculum includes basic and pre-clinical courses, unique theoretical courses, and Clinical training under supervision.
The clinical training provides the student with hands-on skills and knowledge of diagnosis and treatment methods while actively practicing in the field.


The Master program

The Master programs offers both a diploma with or without thesis work.
The aims of the program are: to train researchers in the fields of hearing, language and speech sciences, expand and deepen the theoretical and clinical knowledge in the various fields of the profession, and thus to cultivate a generation of expert senior professionals.


Continuing Education

In order to maintain the high level of knowledge and professionalism of its graduates, the Department of Communication Disorders maintains a framework of continuing studies that expands and deepens the knowledge on particular topics. This framework allows communication clinicians to keep up to date with clinical scientific innovations, as well as innovative treatment methods in Israel and across the world.


The studies take place in the department building at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, as well as on the campus in Ramat Aviv.
The clinical studies take place at the Institute for the Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Hearing and Speech Disorders, at the Sheba Medical Center, as well as other medical, rehabilitation and educational institutions.


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