Radiation Safety

The radiation safety program at TAU, facilitates the safe use of ionizing radiation and radiation producing devices to protect its users and the public


The radiation safety program at TAU, facilitates the safe use of ionizing radiation and radiation producing devices to protect its users and the public

Isotopes and devices are used in laboratory research. Radiation safety includes authorizing permits for radiation use with isotopes and X-ray devices, providing appropriate training for users, monitoring exposure to radiation and safe disposal of radioactive waste.

Authorizing permits are under Radiation Supervisor at the Safety Unit: Rinat Edelheit, rinaedel@tauex.tau.ac.il tel: 03- 03-6409555, Safety Unit TAU


Radiation Safety Officer and Radiation Safety Lecturer at Sackler Faculty of Medicine: Dr. Debora Rapaport, tel: 03-6405137, Sackler building, 7th floor, room 703 alef


Radioactive permission for isotopes use and X-ray devices is updated every year (isotopes permission and X-ray devices permission).


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