Chemical spill

Chemical spills can result in chemical exposures and contaminations



Chemical spill


Whether a chemical spill can be safely cleaned up by laboratory staff depends on hazards of the chemicals, size of the spill, presence of incompatible materials and whether the staff have adequate training to safely clean up the spill


Emergency Spill Yellow Cabinets are located on each floor of the Faculty of Medicine building. Chemical spillage kit is found in the white bucket

  • Small chemical spills: low toxicity, does not present a significant fire, environmental or health hazard
  • Large chemical spills: any quantity of highly toxic chemicals or chemicals in public areas or adjacent to drains


Chemical spill kit



Guidelines to handle a small spill

  • Evacuate all non-essential persons from the spill
  • Work in couples to clean the spill
  • Use the Chemical spill kit (white bucket) found inside the yellow cabinet at the lobby of each floor (in from of the elevators)
  • Personal protection equipment (PPE): lab coats, goggles, appropriate chemically resistant gloves
  • Confine the spill area, do not let it spread. Use absorbent sleeves to mark the borders spill
  • Absorb the spill with pads and vermiculite (flocks found in the cabinet)
  • Collect the residue or broken bottle with tongs. Broken glasses dispose into sharp bin
  • Residue chemical pads place into a plastic bag, label the bag with the chemical name and tag as a chemical waste for pick-up, Tabib company 


Spill clearance:

1. Protect yourself with PPE, contents in the yellow spill cabinet 

2. Get a box with plastic for spill disposal

3. Prevent spill spread with “snake sleeves”. Add vermiculite from outside to inside the spill

4. Collect the broken glass with tongs to a box with plastic bag

5. Clean the spill/vermiculite with dustpan brush

6. Clean the area

7. Video:





Guidelines for large chemical spill: greater than 1 liter, highly toxic, volatile or flammable


Yellow emergency cabinet with chemical spill kit (white basket)

Chemical spill kit (white basket)







Protective equipment for chemical spill


Absorbent sleeve (snake)


PVC Gloves 

Brush dustpan to collect glasses

Goggles Apron

Gas mask (if necessary, in the general cabinet)

Protective suit



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