Guidelines for Medical Students only

Medical Students will be immunized at the Faculty of Medicine. The School of Medicine requires that medical students fully comply to the Ministry of Health immunization requirements for health profession students

Guidelines for Medical Students only



Immunization programme is under the supervision of  Dr. Nathalie Ben-Califa, 03-6409798 Faculty of Medicine building 9th floor room 901.

For any questions regarding immunization program for medical students, see detailed instructions.

Students for Dental School should link to the requirement vaccines document.




Immunization requirements: medical students must provide written documentation on the following. Submit the documents to the supervisor of  Dr. Nathalie Ben-Califa, 03-6409798  Faculty of Medicine building 9th floor room 901.




Requirements for Medical students

Hepatitis B

A record of Hepatitis B vaccine series. If series is complete, a quantitative Hepatitis B

Measles, Mumps and Rubella

A record of two MMR vaccines and positive serological tests for immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella


One dose of adult Tdap (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis). If last Tdap dose is more than 10 years old, then a Tetanus Diptheria booster is also required

Polio vaccine



Positive serological test for immunity to Varicella (chickenpox), history of chickenpox disease. OR a record of Varicella vaccine, two doses, at least one month apart


Screening: A record of two tuberculosis skin test (TST) – two tests 1-6 weeks apart 




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