
​Immunization of laboratory staff and students includes precautions to protect them from laboratory- acquired infections


Immunization should never be regarded as a substitute for good laboratory practice, it does provide additional protection. Staff who work mainly with clinical specimens from human or animal sources may be exposed to a variety of infections, while staff who mainly work with specific pathogens are only likely to be exposed to those pathogens handled in their laboratory.


Selected vaccines and recommendation of the Safety Unit 




Vaccination standard

Hepatitis B

Laboratory researchers (body fluids, human biological material, human cells)

Technicians/Veterinarians in Animal Facilities (working with body fluids, human biological material, human cells)

Technicians in Dentistry Clinics


3 doses: time 0, boost 1 month, boost 6 months


Tetanus / Diphtheria toxin


Technicians/Veterinarians in Animal Facilities

Researchers with soil and water

All workers


1 dose every 10 years

If injury: to get a new dose within 48 hours




Veterinarians / Technicians working with the virus


4 doses: time 0, boost 3, 7, 14 days after a bite


Hepatitis A / Polio


Researchers with treated waste water





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