Biological and cytotoxic waste
Biological waste is any material that contains biohazardous agents as bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, recombinant products, allergens, cultured human and animal cells
Biological waste includes
- Petri dishes
- Surgical wraps
- Culture tubes
- Blood vials
- Absorbent material
- Pipets
- Tips
- Plastic ware tissue culture
Sharps should be placed into sharps containers
- Syringes
- Needles
- Scalpel
- Pasteur pipets
- Slides
The waste should be disposed in a biohazard bag (BSL-2 double biohazard bags) and the sharp bin as well as the biohazard bags undergo autoclave decontamination.
Biohazard basket
How to handle biological waste
- All the biological waste should be disposed in a Biohazard bag for autoclave.
- Biological waste includes: plastic/pipets/tips from tissue culture, bacteria, viruses, parasites, blood, animal or human tissues, fungi.
- Tissue culture work: disposal medium from cells should be collected in a liquid waste container (e.g. after vaccum) including dilute bleach 1:10 (final concentration= 0.5% sodium hypochlorite). 30 min incubation and into sewer using running water. Do not add bleach if autoclaving.
- Sharp instruments in touched with biological material should be disposed in Sharp bin containers.
- The biohazard and sharp bin container will be autoclaved.
- The disinfection autoclave process can be done by the Department (‘in house”) or by an external company (Tabib 072-371440 Each Department organizes its own process. Tabib collects the Biological waste once a week from the Yellow containers. The containers are located at the Medicine building bridge Medicine building.
Autoclave disinfection
Biohazard bags: BSL-2 use a double bag, closed it with autoclave tape. Cat#00854225 TAU ware house.
Sharp bin: contains sharp instruments in contact with biological material should be autoclaved.
Cytotoxic chemical drugs for animal are listed with their MSDS.
Price NIS |
Item details |
Cat number |
16.6 |
Sharp bin 25 liters מיכל פסולת מסוכנת לבן נפח 25 ליטר |
10012396 |
30.05 |
Sharp bin 10 liters מיכל פסולת מסוכנת נפח 10 ליטר |
00882361 |
52.58 |
Sharp bin 22 liters מיכל פסולת מסוכנת נפח 22 ליטר |
00896588 |
Cytotoxic waste
Contains chemicals/drugs which are agents that are toxic to cells. The waste is highly hazardous and need special handling. Cytotoxic chemicals are listed below.
Tissue culture and animals under cytotoxic drugs should be considered as cytotoxic waste and disposed in green cytotoxic bags inside the cytotoxic container. Dilute the tissue culture petri dishes, piptets and tips with bleach 1:10 (final concentration) before disposing to the Cytotoxic container.
You can find green cytotoxic bags in TAU warehouse. Dilute the tissue culture petri dishes, piptets and tips with bleach 1:10 (final concentration) before disposing to the Cytotoxic container.
The waste is highly hazardous and need special handling.
Catalog items TAU warehouse
Price NIS |
Item details |
Cat number |
126.44 |
Cytotoxic plastic bags 60/90 שקיות לפסולת ציטוטוקסית 60/90, mic 50 |
10012395 |
The container is located at 7th floor at the bridge in between Medicine building and Animal facility building. Tabib company collects the cytotoxic waste every 3 weeks together with the chemical waste.
Cytotoxic drugs for animal research are listed with their MSDS.
Cytotoxic chemicals |