Dean's Commitee

The Dean's Committee is an "active committee" that discusses and makes decisions on issues related to the Faculty's academic activity and the execution of its resolutions. 


The committee is headed by Prof. Karen Avraham, Dean of the Faculty, and is composed of all the Vice Deans:


Prof. Karen B. Avraham, PhD, Dean

Prof. Karen Avraham is a Full Professor at the Department
of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry in the School
of Medicine and holds the Drs. Sarah and Felix Dumont
Chair for Research of Hearing Disorders. She completed
her BSc at Washington University in St. Louis, her PhD at
the Weizmann Institute of Science and her post-doctoral
training at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland. Her research focuses
on genetics and epigenetics of human disease, including
deafness, developmental delay and epilepsy and breathing
disorders towards gene therapy.


Prof. Yariv Yogev , Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs

Prof. Yariv Yogev graduated medical school in The Technion University, Haifa, Israel and completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Helen Schneider Hospital, Rabin Medical Center. He completed his clinical and research fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine at Columbia University and St. Lukes-Roosvelt Hospital in New York. Currently, He is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Tel Aviv University and the Chairman of Lis Hospital for Women, in Tel Aviv Sourasky Center (Ichilov) which is a tertiary University affiliated Hospital. Prof. Yogev is the past President of the Israel Society for Maternal and Fetal Medicine, past vice president of the Israeli association for Obstetrics and Gynecology, The past moderator of the diabetes in pregnancy program in the American Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine (SMFM) and board member in the Israel residency board exams. He contributed more than 330 peer-reviewed articles, edited 4 books and contributed many other chapters in books, and his main in interest in research are pregnancy complication, especially diabetes and preterm labor.


Prof. Rina Rosin-Arbesfeld, PhD, Vice Dean for Preclinical Affairs

Prof. Rina Rosin-Arbesfeld is a Full Professor at the
Department of Human Microbiology & Immunology in the
School of Medicine. She received her PhD in Biochemistry and
Microbiology from TAU and trained as a post-doctoral fellow
at the MRC-LMB in Cambridge, UK. Her research focuses on
molecular mechanisms underlining Wnt signaling in normal
development and in malignant transformation, as well as
seeking and developing novel therapeutic approaches to
orphan genetic disorders.


Prof. Anat Gafter-Gvili, MD, Vice Dean for Clinical Teaching Excellence & Mentoring

Prof. Anat Gafter-Gvili is an Associate Professor at the School
of Medicine and is the Head of Medicine A and senior physician
at the Hematology Institute, Davidoff Cancer Center, Beilinson
Hospital, Rabin Medical Center. She obtained her medical
degree from the School of Medicine at TAU. Her research
focuses on infections in hematological and oncological
immunocompromised patients, lymphoma, anemia and
the metabolism of iron.

Prof. Neta Erez, PhD, Vice Dean for Preclinical Teaching Excellence & Mentoring

Prof. Neta Erez is a Full Professor at the Department of
Pathology in the School of Medicine. She obtained her B.Sc.
at the Hebrew University and completed her M.Sc. and Ph.D.
at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Prof. Erez performed
her postdoctoral research at the University of California,
San Francisco, working in the field of tumor biology. Her
research focuses on understanding tumor metastasis, the
tumor microenvironment, cancer-related inflammation and
the role of stromal cells in facilitating tumor progression
and metastasis.

Prof. Benjamin Dekel, MD, PhD, Vice Dean for Clinical Research Innovation & Development

Prof. Benjamin Dekel is a Full Professor of Pediatrics in the
School of Medicine and holds the Kleyman Chair in Nephro-
Urology. He is the Director of the Sagol Center of Regenerative
Medicine at TAU. Prof. Dekel heads the Pediatric Nephrology
Division and the Pediatric Stem Cell Research Institute at the
Sheba Medical Center. He received a bachelor’s degree in
Medical Sciences and an MD from the Technion and a PhD
and post-doctoral training from the Weizmann Institute of
Science. His research focuses on human renal stem cell biology
and regenerative medicine, to cast light on fundamental
problems of developmental biology, tissue regeneration,
and cancer, holding promise for novel disease therapies.

Prof. Ronen Zaidel-Bar, PhD, Vice Dean for Preclinical Research Innovation & Development

Prof. Ronen Zaidel-Bar is an Associate Professor and Head
of the Department of Cell & Developmental Biology at the
School of Medicine. He completed his Ph.D. in Molecular
Cell Biology at the Weizmann Institute of Science and postdoctoral
training at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Before joining TAU he was a Principal Investigator at the
Mechanobiology Institute and Assistant Professor at the
National University of Singapore. His research focuses on
cytoskeletal organization, cell and tissue mechanobiology
and their understanding to prevent birth defects and to
treat numerous diseases, such as asthma, hypertension,
and cancer metastasis.


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