International Ph.D Program in the Medical Sciences

updated: 31.01.2023

two medical students talking
Our Ph.D. students have access to cutting-edge research, faculty resources and support


The Ph.D. program in Medical Sciences aims to train future generations of researchers in the biomedical sciences.


Students enrolled in the Ph.D. program are expected to devote most of their time and effort to research work.


Choice of an area of specialization is conditional upon finding a suitable Ph.D. advisor. The final choice of a dissertation topic is made jointly by the student and the advisor. See the brochures for faculty members on campus and the hospitals, for research topics and the website for graduate school departments. 


To obtain a Ph.D., students must complete a doctoral dissertation, in addition to the other requirements listed in the School’s regulations for research students.


Learn more about the program by viewing the elective courses and required courses.



Graduates with a Master's degree, a minimum cumulative grade of 80, and a Master's thesis grade of at least 85 may apply for studies leading to a Ph.D. Students who have completed their undergraduate studies with distinction (grade of at least 90) may apply for the direct course of studies leading to a Ph.D.



Graduates with a Master's degree, a minimum cumulative grade of 80, and a Master's thesis grade of at least 85 may apply for studies leading to a Ph.D. Students who have completed their undergraduate studies with distinction (grade of at least 90) may apply for the direct course of studies leading to a Ph.D



Details on candidacy application process and registration forms are here 



Applicants may submit a scholarship application to the Graduate School’s Scholarship Committee, subject to their chosen supervisor’s approval and participation. The Committee considers all scholarship applications after interviews are held and sends its decisions to the applicants and their respective supervisors.


New immigrant Ph.D. students have the possibility of obtaining a scholarship from the Ministry of Absorption. For more information please call the Office of Absorption at Tel Aviv University, phone number 03-6409989. 


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For questions, please email Alana Sisam
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