Direct Ph.D. Track

Direct track from Bachelor’s degree to Ph.D.

Admission criteria

Those holding a Bachelor of Medical Science (B.Med.Sc.) or Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) with honors (minimum grade of 90), are eligible to apply to this track, immediately upon completing their Bachelor’s degree.

Admission forms that must be submitted to enroll in the direct track >>


Course of study

A student in the direct track will be required to complete a study quota identical to that of a Master’s degree in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences (formerly the Faculty of Medicine), as required by the Master’s degree regulations.

Candidates who are accepted on the basis of a Bachelor’s degree with honors will be required to participate, in their first year of study in the Graduate School, in advanced courses comprising a minimum of 18 semester hours and obtain a minimum average grade of 90 in these courses. In the remainder of the courses the student must obtain a minimum grade of 80 in each course. In addition, the candidate must submit an abbreviated research proposal (qualifying plan) and pass a “qualifying test” within 9 months of being accepted to this track.

For details about the qualifing plan >>

A candidate who successfully passes the qualifying test (minimum grade of 90) will be accepted as a Stage A student.


Obligations of Stage A Students

  • Each student must complete the remainder of his or her study quota as required for a Master’s degree, with a minimum grade of 80 in each course. If he or she accumulates additional courses with a minimum grade of 80 during the course of study, these courses will be included in the study quota required for this track.
  • Each Stage A student is required to complete the compulsory courses for PhD students, and will receive an exemption from 10 semester hours of advanced elective courses.
  • Each student will submit a detailed research proposal to the Unit Committee for approval, with the agreement and signature of his or her supervisor, within 6 months of being accepted as a Stage A student (or with the special approval of the Unit Committee, within one year of this date).


Obligations of Stage B Students – see the regular track




Direct track from Master’s degree to Ph.D.

Admission criteria

  1. A minimum average grade of 90 in Master’s degree courses comprising a minimum of 18 semester hours (not including courses for which an exemption was granted or courses with a pass grade).*

In addition, it is possible to transfer to the direct track after a period of two semesters and until just before the end of the third semester of the Master’s degree.

  1. A minimum average grade of 85 in the Bachelor’s degree.*

*In special cases, the Ph.D. Committee will consider accepting Master’s students, who have completed two semesters with a minimum average grade of 88, on the basis of exceptional achievements such as a significant contribution to a scientific paper, active participation (presentation of a poster or lecture) in an international conference, and so on.

*In special cases the Ph.D. Committee will consider accepting Master’s students, whose average grade in their Bachelor’s degree is below 85, on the basis of exceptional achievements such as a significant contribution to a scientific paper, active participation (presentation of a poster or lecture) in an international conference, and so on.

*Students who began their Master’s degree in Semester A, 2024-25, require a minimum average grade of 90 in courses comprising only 14 semester hours (not including courses for which an exemption was granted or courses with a pass grade)


Process of transferring to the direct Ph.D. track for Master’s students

Master’s students requesting transfer to the direct Ph.D. track will be required to submit, together with the admission form, a qualifying plan for their Ph.D. (abbreviated research proposal), based on their research results to date. The file will be transferred to the Ph.D. Acceptance Committee. The Ph.D. Acceptance Committee will assess the research plan and the student’s qualifying and approve (or reject) his or her acceptance to the direct PhD track. We emphasize that this is not a regular Qualification Committee, but rather a Ph.D. Acceptance Committee for all intents and purposes.

For details about the qualifying plan >>

In addition, all of the admission forms appearing in the following link must be submitted by email and in print, except for the abstract of the Master’s thesis.

Admission forms that must be submitted to enroll in the direct track >>

A candidate who passes the qualifying interview successfully (minimum grade of 90) will be accepted as a Stage A student. A student who does not pass the qualifying interview will not be eligible to be interviewed again.


Course of study

Each student in the direct track will be required to complete an identical study quota to a master’s degree program in the Faculty of Medicine, as required by the master’s degree regulations.

Obligations of Stage A students

  • Each student must complete the remainder of his or her study quota as required for a Master’s degree, with a minimum grade of 80 in each course. If he or she accumulates additional courses with a minimum grade of 80 during the course of study, these courses will be included in the study quota required for this track.
  • Each Stage A student is required to complete the compulsory courses for Ph.D. students, and will receive an exemption from 10 semester hours of advanced elective courses.
  • Each student will submit a detailed research proposal to the Unit Committee for approval, with the agreement and signature of his or her supervisor, within one year of being accepted as a Stage A student.


Obligations of Stage B Students – see the regular track


Awarding of the Master’s degree during the course of study in the Direct Ph.D. track

Students in the direct track are eligible to receive their Master’s degree without a thesis during the course of their Ph.D. studies.

Conditions for receiving this degree:

  1. Obtaining a minimum grade of 90 in Master’s degree courses, comprising 18 semester hours
  2. Approval of the Ph.D. research proposal and promotion to Stage B.



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