M.D./Ph.D. Program

Outstanding students in medicine and dentistry can apply to the combined M.D./Ph.D. or D.M.D./Ph.D. program.

The M.D./Ph.D. program at the Faculty of Medicine is designed for highly qualified students to pursue both a medical or dental degree in conjunction with training and research toward a Ph.D.  Students in this program learn and practice skills necessary to be physician-scientists while completing either an M.D./Ph.D or a D.M.D./Ph.D.


The program is designed for outstanding students in medicine and dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine. The aim of the M.D./Ph.D. program is to train the next generation of doctors engaged in medical research in Israel.



Upon completion of the requirements for the M.D. or D.M.D. degree, the student is eligible to apply for the combined M.D. /Ph.D. or D.M.D./Ph.D. degree. The total duration of the Ph.D. thesis will not exceed four years. A student who does not complete his Ph.D. thesis until the end of the clinical studies in medicine or dentistry, will not be eligible for the combined degree, since he did not complete all the requirements.



During their doctoral studies, students receive an increased living stipend, equivalent to the stipend awarded to outstanding Ph.D. candidates. Upon returning to their clinical studies, tuition will be paid by the faculty.


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