Faculty Positions at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

updated: 03.07.2024

Faculty Positions at the Faculty of Medicine

Faculty position for Genomics/Biochemistry at the School of Medicine, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Tel Aviv University


The School of Medicine at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Tel Aviv University, seeks outstanding candidates to fill tenure-track faculty positions at the level of Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor or Associate Professor.


Job Description: Successful candidates are expected to carry out independent competitive experimental and/or computational research programs, combined with high-level and innovative teaching in graduate and medical school programs.


Areas of expertise include, but are not limited to, human genetics and genomics, stem cells and development, tissue regeneration and degeneration, aging and cancer. The candidate is expected to develop and implement innovative research methodologies in genetics, bioinformatics, cell biology and/or biochemistry.


Job requirements: The candidate must hold a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree. Postdoctoral training is required in the field of biomedical sciences. Successful candidates are expected to carry out independent competitive programs in experimental and/or computational research, combined with high level teaching in graduate and medical school programs.


Applicants should submit by 30.06.2024 the following files:


• Curriculum Vitae including a full list of publications arranged according to the instructions on the faculty's website (https://med.tau.ac.il/info-PHD-researcers-2019/?tab=1). The C.V. must be submitted according to this format only.


• Research summary not exceeding five pages, including references, past research accomplishments, current projects (including unpublished work) and future research plans.


• Teaching statement based on the spectrum of courses currently taught at the undergraduate, medical and graduate schools of the Faculties of Medicine and Life Sciences.


The files should be addressed and submitted by mail to:


Prof. Ariel Munitz, Ph.D. Chair of Search committee,

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel medisearch@tauex.tau.ac.il


(*) Three recommendation letters (letters from the Ph.D. and Post-doctoral advisors are mandatory) should be sent directly by the referees to Prof. Ariel Munitz (medisearch@tauex.tau.ac.il)


Procedures for appointing candidates will be in accordance with the University's appointment procedures, subject to the approval and discretion of the accredited academic institution. The academic level will be determined according to the qualifications of the candidates. The proposal is intended for candidates without discrimination based on gender, nationality or origin. The position will be provided according to the qualifications of the appropriate candidates and the needs of the School of Medicine. Tel Aviv University is not obliged to accept any offer.



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