Swallowing Physiology

Dr. Nogah Nativ
Department of Communication Disorders

Swallowing disorders are prevalent in older adults and can result in significant morbidity and mortality. Consequences of dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) include malnutrition, dehydration, social isolation, pneumonia, and reduced quality of life.


Dr. Nativ Zeltzer’s research focuses on the effects of ageing on the swallow and devising prophylactic treatment methods for the preservation of swallow function in the elderly. The lab utilizes high resolution manometry and videofluoroscopic biomechanical analysis of the swallow to characterize physiological components of both normal and disordered swallowing, with the goal of designing accurately targeted preventative and rehabilitative treatment for adults with dysphagia. An additional area of focus is the identification of risk factors and biomarkers for the development of aspiration pneumonia, a common complication of swallowing disorders, facilitating the design of sensitive diagnostic tools for early detection of aspiration pneumonia.

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