Prof. Sivia Bar-Noy

Nursing - General Program
School of Health Professions
חוג לסיעוד-תכנית כללית סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Prof. Sivia Bar-Noy
Phone: 03-6405340
Fax: 03-6409496
Office: Health Professions


  1. Peles Bortz A (PI), Bluvstein I (PI), Bergman L (s), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                            Anxiety and support resources for Israeli women before gynecological surgery.                                  

Women & Health, 2016; 57(3), 329-341.                                                                                                            


  1. Itzhaki M (PI), Hildesheimer G (PI), Barnoy S (C).  Katz M (PI).                                                                                                    Family involvement in medical decision making: Perceptions of nursing and psychology students.                                                                                                          

Nurse Education Today, 2016; 40 181-187.                                                                                                         


  1. Bar-Tal Y (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                                    Factors influencing the decision to comply with nurse recommendations to take or avoid influenza vaccination.                                                                                                                                                Nursing Inquiry, 2016; 23(4); 338–345.                                                                                              


  1. Itzhaki M (PI), Meridian O (s), Schifter-Sagiv T (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                Nursing students' attitudes and intention to work with mentally ill patients before and after a planned intervention.                                                                                                                                           Academic Psychiatry, 2017; 41(3); 337-344.                                                                                                   


  1. Warshawski S (PI), Barnoy S (PI), Itzhaki, M (PI).                                                                                                             Factors associated with nursing students' resilience: Communication skills course, use of social media and satisfaction with clinical placement.                                                                                     

Journal of Professional Nursing, 2017; 33(2), 153-161.                                                                             


  1. Niv G (s), Bar-Josef S (C), Ben Bassat O (C), Avni I (C), Lichtenshtein L (C), Niv Y (C), Barnoy S (PI).                                                         

  2. Quality of life and uncertainty in Crohn's disease.                                                                                              Quality of Life Research, 2017; 26(6), 1609–1616.                                                                                             


  1. Barnoy S (PI), Biton A (s), Itzhaki M (PI).                                                                                                                             Social inclusion of children with Down syndrome: Jewish and Muslim mothers' knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral intentions.                                                                                                         Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2017; 35, 50-56.      


  1. Warshawski S (PI), Barnoy S (PI), Kagan I (PI).                                                                                                           Professional, generational, and gender differences in perception of organizational values among Israeli physicians and nurses: Implications for retention.                                                                                                                               Journal of Inter-Professional Care, 2017; 31, 696-704.                                                                                     


10.Asman O (PI), Melnikov S (C), Barnoy S (PI), Tabak N (PI).                                                                    Experiences, behaviors, and perceptions of registered nurses regarding research ethics and misconduct.                                                                                                                                                       Nursing Ethics, 2019; 26(3), 859-869.                                                                                                                       


Kardosh M (s), Bar-Tal Y (C), Barnoy S (PI).

           The relationship between body image, gender, subjective norms, and the

            decision to undergo preventive mastectomy among Arab and Jewish BRCA


           Cancer Nursing, 2018; 41, 255-262.


  1. Gilbar R (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                                    Companions or patients? The impact of family presence in genetic consultations for inherited breast cancer: Relational autonomy in practice.                                                                                                    Bioethics, 2018; 32(6), 378-387.                                                                                                                       


  1. Warshawski S (PI), Itzhaki M (PI), Barnoy S (PI). (2018).                                                                                          The associations between peer caring behaviors and social support to nurse students.                                                                                                                                          Nurse Education in Practice, 2018; 35, 88-94.   


  1.  Kagan I (PI), Porat N (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                                  The quality and safety culture in general hospitals: patients', physicians' and nurses' evaluation of its effect on patient satisfaction.                                                                                                                                                                                                   International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2018; 31, 261-268.


  1. Warshawski S (PI), Katz O (s), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                 Role of academic self-efficacy and social support on nursing students' test anxiety.                                                                                                                            Nurse Educator, 2019; 44, E6-E10.


  1. Barnoy S (PI), Melnikov S (C), Bar-Tal Y (PI). (2018)                                                                                                        The effect of e-health information on nurse-patient encounters: Mutual feelings and perceptions.                                                                                                                            CUPS Current Psychology, 2020; 39: 1416–1422.    


  1. Warshawski S (PI), Itzhaki M (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                      Nurse and nurse student attitudes and perceived self-efficacy in use of information and communication technologies: Professional and cultural differences.                                                                                                                        CIN-Computers, Informatics Nursing, 2019; 37(1):20-28                                                                             


  1. Ohana S (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                                      Israeli E-patients' informational needs.                                                                                       Nursing Outlook, 2018; in press 2019; 67, 190-198.


  1.  Lifszyc-Friedlander A (PI), Honovich M (C), Stolerman E (C), Madjar B (C), Barnoy S (PI).

         Family health clinics as a source of social capital.

            Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2019; 47, e2-e9.


  1. Shemesh T (PI), Barnoy S (PI).

Assessment of the intention to use mobile health applications using a technology acceptance model in an Israeli adult population.

Telemedicine e-Health; 2020; 26, 1141-1149.


  1. Gilbar, R (PI). and Barnoy, S (PI).

Facing legal barriers regarding disclosure of genetic information to relatives          

New Genetics and Society, 2020; 39, 483-501.                                                                                                              


Articles Accepted for publication


  1. Bar-Tal Y (PI),  Barnoy S (C), Warshawski S (C), Tehilla M (PI).                                                                                                        Factors influencing patient perceptions of nutritionists' epistemic authority and their decision to comply with treatment recommendation.

            Current Psychology, 2020; In Press.                                                                                                              


  1. Dagan E (PI), Amit Y (s), Sokolv L (s), Litvak P (s), Barnoy  S (PI)

Integrating genetic professional skills into nursing practice: Results from a large cohort of Israeli nurses.

Journal of Nursing Scholarship


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