Dr. Mor Saban

Department of Nursing sciences
חוג למדעי האחיות כללי סגל אקדמי בכיר

General Information

Dr. Mor Saban, PhD, is a senior faculty member in the Department of Nursing at the School of Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine. She is also the head of DataMED Lab, a laboratory that focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of various technologies in the healthcare field, building optimization models to enhance patient care using methods such as GenAI (LLMs), NLP and ML, and analyzing clinical decision making processes. 

Dr. Saban holds a Bachelor's degree in Nursing and has two additional Master's degrees in Nursing, Public Health, and Emergency Medicine. She obtained her Doctorate degree directly from the University of Haifa, specializing in decision-making processes and their impact on the quality of care in the Emergency Medicine department. Between 2020 and 2021, she completed post-doctoral training in the field of healthcare systems policy and management, focusing on the use of decision support systems in medicine at Ben-Gurion University. Furthermore, from 2022 to 2023, Dr. Saban furthered her academic education in the field of Data Science with a specialization in Machine Learning at Bar Ilan University

Dr. Saban also serves as a senior researcher at the Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy Research at the Center for Health Policy and Medical Innovation. Her academic as well as practical work at the Institute includes aspects of improving health policy, implementing and evaluating decision support systems, and developing optimization models for the optimal allocation of resources in the healthcare system. During her work at the Institute, she served as head of the Department of Waiting Time Measurement in Israeli Hospitals and led a national process to implement a decision support system for ordering imaging tests (projects of the Ministry of Health).

Dr. Saban's research focuses on decision-making processes in the clinical field and the impact of decision support systems on medical decision-making. In recent years, Dr. Saban has been involved in pioneering projects on diagnosing remote life-threatening conditions, such as stroke, using AI-based systems. She has also played a key role in integrating LLMs and LMMs tools into the clinical field (such as ED). 

Research Interests

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of decision support systems and other technologies in the healthcare field.
  • Building of integrated optimization models combining text (NLP), LLMs (GenAI) and quantitative data (ML).
  • Measurement of healthcare quality.
  • Availability and accessibility of healthcare services.



Saban, M., Barniv, H., Patito, H., Shachar, T., Haber, R., Salama, R., & Darawsha. (2019). Choosing wisely in the ED: The diagnostic cascade of needless medical testing in a two-level study. The American journal of emergency medicine, 37(9), 1705-1708. 

Saban, M., Patito, H., Zaretsky, L., Salama, R., & Darawsha, A. (2019). Emergency  department mortality: Fair and square. The American journal of emergency medicine, 37(6), 1020-1024 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajem.2018.08.036

Saban, M., Zaretsky, L., Patito, H., Salama, R., & Darawsha, A. (2019). Round-off decision- making: Why do triage nurses assign STEMI patients with an average priority? International emergency nursing, 43, 34-39 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ienj.2018.07.001

Saban, M., Dagan, E., &, Drach-Zahavy, A. (2019). The relationship between individual and collective mindfulness, to triage accuracy and patient satisfaction in the emergency department: A moderation - mediation model. Journal of Emergency Nursing. 45(6), 644-660.

Saban, M., Shachar, T., Salama, R., & Darawsha, A. (2020). Improving STEMI management in the emergency department: Examining the role of minority groups and sociodemographic characteristics. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 38(6), 1102-1109. 

Sivan-Hoffmann, R., Saban, M., Buxbaum, C., Srour, F., Sprecher, E., Eran, A., Abergel E., & Telman G.  (2020). Infarct core reliability by CTP is a time-dependent phenomenon. Journal of Neuroimaging. 30(2), 240-245. 

Saban M., & Shachar, T. (2020). Is family history of coronary artery disease important in the emergency department triage?. International Emergency Nursing, 100855.‏ 

Shachar, T., & Saban, M.   The impact of helicopter emergency medical service transport  for acute stroke patients: A systematic review. (2020). American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 42, 178-187.

Saban, M*., Myers, V*., & Wilf-Miron, R. Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic–the  role of leadership in the Arab ethnic minority in Israel. (2020). International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(1), 1-6. *Equal contribution

Yahav, A., Saban, M., Srour, F., Sprecher, E., Eran, A., Abergel, E., Telman, G., Tanne, D., Nogueira, R., & Sivan-Hoffmann, R. Evaluation of artificial intelligence–powered identification of large-vessel occlusions in a comprehensive stroke center. (2021). American Journal of Neuroradiology.  42(2), 247-254. 

Saban, M., Drach-Zahavy, A., & Dagan, E. The effects of a novel mindfulness-  based intervention on nurses’ state mindfulness and patient satisfaction in the emergency department. (2020). Journal of emergency nursing. 47(3), 412-425

Saban, M., Shachar, T., Reznik, A., Wilf-Miron, R., & Sivan-Hoffmann, R. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on ED referrals and care for stroke patients: A four-year comparative study. (2020). Journal of Critical Care. 62, 230-234.

Glatman-Freedman, A., Bromberg, M., Ram, A., Lutski, M., Basal, R., Michailevich,  M., Saban, M., Frankenthal, D., Dichtiar, R., Kruglikov, A., Rozani, V., Karolinsky, D.,  Brown, T., Zucker, I.,  Keinan-Boker,  L., & Silverman, B. A COVID-19 call center for healthcare providers: dealing with rapidly evolving health policy guidelines. (2020). Israel journal of health policy research, 9(1), 1-8.

Saban, M., Myers, V., Shachar, T., Miron, O., & Wilf-Miron, R. Effect of socioeconomic and ethnic characteristics on COVID-19 infection: The case of the Ultra-Orthodox and the Arab communities in Israel. (2021). Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities, 1-8.

Wilf-Miron, R., Kagan, I., & Saban, M. Health behaviors of medical students decline towards residency: How could we maintain and enhance these behaviors throughout their training? (2021).  Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 10(1), 1-8.

Saban, M., Drach-Zahavy, A., & Dagan, E. A Novel Reflective Practice Intervention Improves Quality of Care in the Emergency Department. (2021)      International Journal of emergency nursing, 56, 100977.

Wilf-Miron, R., Myers, V., & Saban M. Incentivizing Vaccination Uptake. The “Green Pass” Proposal in Israel. (2021). JAMA, 325(15), 1503-1504.

Frankenthal, D., Saban, M., Karolinsky, D., Lutski, M., Sternberg, S., Rasooly, I., & Zucker, I. Falls and fear of falling among Israeli community-dwelling elderly citizens: a cross-sectional national survey. (2021). Israeli Journal of Health Policy Research, 10(1), 1-8.

Wilf Miron, R., Avni, S., Valinsky, L., Myers, V., Ziv, A., Peretz, G., Luxenburg, O., Saban, M., & Feder-Bubis, P. Development of a set of national health equity indicators: A Delphi consensus building technique.(2021). International Journal of Health Policy and Management.  doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2021.54.

Saban, M., Myers, V*., Luxenburg, O., & & Wilf-Miron, R. Tipping the scales: A theoretical model to describe the differential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mortality. .(2021). International Journal for Equity in Health.

Luxenburg, O., Saban, M., Myers, V., Vaknin, S., Boldor, N., & Wilf-Miron, RNational and regional trends in MRI utilization in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.(2021).  Israeli Journal of Health Policy Research

Saban, M., Myers, V., Peretz, G., Avni, S., & Wilf-Miron, R. Changes in COVID-19 morbidity in an ethnic minority throughout the first year of the pandemic (2021). Public health journal.

Saban, M*., Myers, V*., Ben-Shetrit, S., & Wilf-Miron, R. Issues surrounding incentives and penalties for COVID-19 vaccination –– the Israeli experience. (2021). Preventive medicine.

Myers, V., Saban, M., Valinsky, L., Luxenburg, O., & Wilf-Miron, R. Timely childhood  vaccination in Israel: A national retrospective study of ethnic and socioeconomic disparities. (2021).  Health Promotion International. 

Myers, V., Saban, M., Ben-Shetrit, S., & Wilf-Miron, R. Uptake of COVID-19 vaccination among general hospital staff in Israel. (2021) Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology.

Saban, M., Myers, V., Ben-Shetrit, S., & Wilf-Miron, R.  Socioeconomic gradient in COVID-19 vaccination. (2021) International Journal for Equity in Health.

Saban, M.,* Myers, V.,* & Wilf-Miron, R. Changes in infectivity, severity and vaccine effectiveness against delta COVID-19 variant seven months into the vaccination program: The Israeli case. (2021). Preventive Medicine

Saban, M., Sosna, J., Singer, Clara., Vaknin, S., Myers, V.,  Shaham, D., Assaf, J., Hershko, A., Feder-Bubis, P., Wilf- Miron, R, & Luxenburg, O. Clinical Decision Support System Recommendations: How Often Radiologists and Clinicians Accept Them? (2022). European Radiology

Haklai, Z., Applbaum, Y., Myers, V., Saban, M., Gordon, E.S., Wilf-Miron, R., & Luxenburg, O. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on respiratory ED visits and hospitalizations at the national level. (2022). The American journal of emergency medicine

Luxenburg, O., Singer, C., Myers. V., Wilf- Miron, R*, & Saban, M*. Sociodemographic and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 burden: Changing patterns over four pandemic waves in Israel. (2022) Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health

Luxenburg, O., Myers, V., Ziv, A, Novikov, I, Gimpelevich, I., Saban, M., Brammli-Greenberg, S. & Wilf-Miron, Rachel. Factors affecting the patient journey in scheduling a specialist appointment in a public healthcare system. (2022). Journal of Patient Experience

Myers, V., Wilf-Miron, R*., Saban, M*. Covid-19 Vaccination in Children aged 5 to 11: Examining the issues. (2022). Pediatric Respiratory Reviews.

Luxenburg, O*., Myers, V*., Ziv A., Goldberg, Y., Saban, M., Brammli-Greenberg, S.,& Wilf-Miron, R. Can administrative data replace patient survey data in the monitoring of community-based specialist care? (2022). Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology.

Kaim, A., & Saban, M. Are we suffering from the Peltzman effect? Risk perception among recovered and vaccinated people during the COVID-19 pandemic in Israel. (2022). Public Health

Saban, M*., Kaim, A*., Myers, V., Wilf-Miron, R. COVID-19 vaccination, morbidity and mortality during a 12-month-period in Israel: Can we return to a “herd immunity” like state?. (2022). Population Health Management

Wilf-Miron, R., Kittany, R., Saban, M., & Kagan, I. Teachers' characteristics predict students' guidance for healthy lifestyle: A cross-sectional study in Arab-speaking schools. (2022). BMC PUBLIC HEALTH.

Luxenburg, O., Singer, C., Kaim, A., Saban, M & Wilf-Miron, R. Socioeconomic and ethnic disparities along five waves of the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons we have not yet learnt. (2022). Journal of Nursing Scholarship

Saban, M*., Moskovitz, A*., Ohanian, S., Reznik, A., Ribo, M., & Sivan-Hoffmann, R. Validation of a cloud-based AI supported tele-stroke system reliability in determining National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores for acute ischemic stroke screening in the Emergency Department. (2022). Frontiers in Neurology  

Kaim, A., Ben-Shetrit, S., & Saban, M.  Women are more infected and seek care faster but are less severely ill: gender gaps in Covid-19 morbidity and mortality during two years of a pandemic in Israel. (2023). Healthcare

 Kaim, A., & Zeevy, G, & Saban, M. Is the fifth dose even relevant in the era of vaccination fatigue? Examining vaccination uptake among recovered and classification of breakthrough cases (2023). Healthcare.

 Markus, T.,* Saban, M.,* Sosna, J., Assaf, J., Cohen, D., Vaknin, S., Luxenbureg, O., Singer, C., & Shaham, D. Appropriateness of Computed Tomography for Chest-Abdominal-Pelvis in the Emergency Department. (2023). Insights into imaging

Kaim, A., & Saban, M. Dynamic trends in sociodemographic disparities and COVID-19 morbidity and mortality—a nationwide study during two years of a pandemic. (2023). Healthcare.

Wilf-Miron, R., Myers, V., Saban, M., Novikov, I., Kimron., L., Ziv, A., & Kalter-Leibovich, O. Inequalities in End Stage Renal Disease: Underprivileged and ethnic minority members are at higher risk. (2023). International Journal of Epidemiology

Rosen, S*., Singer, C*., Vaknin, S., Kaim, A., Makori, A., Goldberg, N., Rad, M., Gitman, S., Luxenburg, O.,& Saban, M. Inappropriate CT examinations: How much, Who and Where?Insights from a clinical decision support system (CDSS) analysis. (2023).  European radiology

Levin, H., Baha, O., Hater, M., Speter, C., Saban, M., & Klein-Druyan, A. Assessing the Impact of Endovascular Treatment on Ambulatory Function in Peripheral Vascular Disease Patients Over a Six Month Period. (2023). Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg

Rosen, S., & Saban, M. Evaluating the Reliability of ChatGPT as a Tool for Imaging Test Referral: A Comparative Study with a Clinical Decision Support System. (2023). European radiology

Rosen, S., & Saban, M. Can ChatGPT assist with the initial triage? A Case Study of Stroke in Young Females. (2023). International Journal of emergency nursing

Luxenburg, O., Morgenstein, T., Myers, V., Saban, M., Shemer J & Wilf-Miron, R. Priority setting for health technology adoption at the national level: Lessons learned over 25 years’ experience. (2023). International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care

Saban, M. Harnessing the Power of Structured Reporting in Oncology: Overcoming Barriers Through Multidisciplinary Collaboration and Digital Innovation.(2023). European radiology

Radomyslsky, Z., Kivity, S., Linder, S., Bentur, N., Liat, K., Nissanholtz-Ganot, R., Sternberg, S., Halevi-Hochwald, I., Reges, O., Alon, Y. & Saban, M. Association Between COVID-19 Vaccination and Critical Outcomes Among Older Adults with Dementia: A Comparative Cohort Study. (2023). Frontiers Public Health

Givaty, G., Ovadia, Y, & Saban, M. Insights from the nearest Israeli hospital to the Gaza strip. (2023). The Lancet

Saban, M. When Humanity and Hostility Collide: The Debate Over Caring for Combatants. (2023). Public Health journal

Singer, C*.,  Luxenburg O*., Rosen, S., Vaknin, S., & Saban M. Advancing Acceptance: Assessing Acceptance of the ESR iGuide Clinical Decision Support System for Improved Computed Tomography Test Justification. (2023). Frontiers in Medicine

Saban, M., Lutski, M., Zucker, I., Segev, Y., Dotan, S., Uziel, M., Ben-Moshe, D., Israel A., Vinker, S., Golan-Cohen, A., Laufer, I., & Merzon, E. Identifying diabetes related-complications in a real-world free text electronic medical records in Hebrew using natural language processing techniques. (2024). Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology

Kivity, S., Rajuan, A., Arbeli, S., Alcalay, S., Shiri, L., Orvieto, N., Alon, Y., & Saban M. (2024). Optimizing Wound Monitoring: Can Digital Tools Improve Healing Outcomes and Clinic Efficiency. Journal of Clinical Nursing

Shamir-Stein, N., Feldblum, I., Rotman, E., Cohen, S., Brand, E, Kivity, S., & Saban M. (2024). Initial insights into physical and mental health on the backdrop of war: Key findings from a preliminary survey. Journal Of Community Health

Saban, M., & Dubovi, I. (2024). A Comparative Vignette Study: Evaluating the Potential Role of a Generative AI Model in Enhancing Clinical Decision-Making in Nursing. Journal of Advance Nursing

Levi, H., Givaty, G., Ovadia, Y., Alon, Y., & Saban M. (2024). Evaluating emergency response at a hospital near the Gaza border within 24 hours of increased conflict. BMC Emergency Medicine

Levin, C., Kagan, T., Rosen, S., & Saban, M. (2024). An Evaluation of the Capabilities of Language Models and Nurses in Providing Neonatal Clinical Decision Support. International Journal of Nursing Studies

Radomyslsky, Z., Kivity, S., Alon, Y., & Saban M. (2024). Modeling mortality prediction in older adults with dementia receiving COVID-19 vaccination. BMC Geriatrics

Adler, L., Radomyslsky, Z., Mizrahi Reuveni, M., Schechter, E., Yehoshua, I., Segal, Y., Kivity, S., Naimi, E., Saban, M. Adler, L., Radomyslsky, Z., Mizrahi Reuveni, M., Schechter, E., Yehoshua, I., Segal, Y., Kivity, S., Naimi, E., Saban, M. (2024). Harnessing Innovation to Help Meet the Needs of Elders: Field Testing an Electronic Tool to Streamline Geriatric Assessments Across Healthcare Settings. Family Medicine and Community Health Journal

Radomyslsky, R.,  Kivity, S., Alon, Y., & Saban M. (2024). Conflict-Related Breakdowns in Routine Medical Care - Longitudinal Outcomes for Civilians with Pre-Existing Cognitive Impairment. Aging and Disease

Levi, H., Givaty, G., Ovadia, Y., & Saban M. (2024). Treating Wartime Injuries Amidst Attack: Insights from a Medical Facility on the Edge of Combat. Conflict and Health

Ben Haim, G., Ram, L., Saban, M., Toderis, L., Oberman, B., Irony, A., & Epsztein, A. (2024). Optimizing Outcomes: A Retrospective Analysis of Discharge Safety for Elderly mTBI Patients on Anticoagulation Therapy. American Journal of Emergency Medicine

Luxenburg, O., & Vaknin, S., Wilf-Miron, R, & Saban, M. (2024). Evaluating the Accuracy and Impact of the ESR-iGuide Decision Support Tool in Optimizing CT Imaging Referral. The Journal of Digital Imaging

Cohen-Hagai, K., Kitani, A., Benchetrit, S., Erez, D., Alon, A., Wilf-Miron, R., & Saban M. (2024). The patient's perspective: Does it align with dialysis adequacy? Kideny360

Merhav, G., Yahav-Dovrat, A., Klein, E., Nitai, B., Saban, M., Katson, M., Ronen, A., Eran, M., Javutt, M. (2024). Impact of reducing Iodinated Intravenous Contrast volume in Brain CT on image Diagnostic Quality? European Journal of Radiology

Levin, C., Suliman, M., Naimi, E., & Saban, M. (2024).  Augmenting Intensive Care  Unit Nursing Practice with Generative AI: A Formative Study of Diagnostic Synergies using Simulation-Based Clinical Cases. Journal of Clinical Nursing

Misan, N,. Wilf-Miron, R., & Saban, M. (2024) Optimizing Emergency Nursing Care in Crisis: A Retrospective Comparison of Assessment, Triage and Workflow Metrics Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. SAGE Open Nursing  

Levin, C., Naimi, E., & Saban, M. (2024). Evaluating Generative AI Systems to Combat Mental Health issues in healthcare workers: An integrative literature review. International Journal of Medical Informatics

Saban, M., # Singer, C.,# Luxenburg, O., Bergovoy- Yellin, L., Brkljačić, B., Karoussou, A., & Sosna, J. CT Computed Tomography Referral Guidelines Adherence in Europe: Insights from a 7-Country Audit. (2024). European Radiology  

Radomyslsky, R.,  Kivity, S., Alon, Y., & Saban M. (2024). Ensuring Continuity of Care in Times of Crisis: A . Longitudinal Analysis of Dementia Care Delivery During Armed Conflict. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

Ben-Haim, G., Saban, M., Barash, Y., Cirulnik, D., Shaham, A., Eisenman, BZ., Burshtein, L., Mymon, O, & Klang E. Evaluating Large Language Model-Assisted Emergency Triage: A Comparison of Acuity Assessments by GPT-4 and Medical Experts. (2024). Journal of Clinical Nursing  

Grupper, A., Druckmann, I., Schwartz, D., Rotem, N., Khawaja, J., Graziani, T., Saban, M., Kastner, J., Sher, R., Goykhman, Y., Ariela Raz, M., Shashar, M., Cohen-Hagai, K., Nacasch, N., & Schwartz, I. (2024). Skeletal muscle size and quality in healthy kidney donors, normal range and clinical associations. Scientific Reports.

Livne, S., Feldblum, I., Kivity, S., Shamir-Stein, N., Brand, E., Cohen, S., Rotman, E., Levine H., & Saban, M. Kidnapping-Induced Trauma and Secondary Stress in Armed Conflicts: A Comparative Study Among Women in Hostage Families, Volunteers, and the General Population. (2024). Israeli Journal of Health Policy Research

Schwartz Yoskovitz, G., Schwartz Yoskovitz, M., Haim-Pinhas, H., Saban, M.,  Pereg, D., Wand, O., Rozenberg, R.,  Benchetrit, S., Cohen-Hagai, K. Risk factors for major bleeding among patients with chronic kidney disease treated with acetylsalicylic acid. (2024). Kidney and Blood Pressure Research

Saban, M., Wand, O., & Cohen-Hagai K. Insights from the nearest Israeli hospital to the Gaza strip. (2024). The Lancet

Cohen-Hagai, K#., Saban, M.,#   Benchetrit, S., Alon., A, Erez D., Wand, O., Kitani, A., Wald, R., & Kalantar-Zadeh, K. Prospective Comparative Analysis of Satisfaction among Dialysis Patients in Israel: Exploring Ethnic Disparities and Clinical Outcomes. (2025), Kideny360

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