Prof. Gregory Livshits

Emeritus in Anatomy and Anthropology
אנטומיה ואנתרופולוגיה אמריטוס
Prof. Gregory Livshits
Phone: 03-6409494
Fax: 03-6408287


Professor, Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University

Chair, Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University

Pollak Chair of Biological Anthropology

Honorary Research Fellow, King’s College Medical School, London, UK



Genetic and Metabolic Research of Age-Dependent Chronic Degenerative Disease

Our research is focused on age-related chronic degenerative disease, such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, including disc degeneration disease and muscle mass loss - sarcopenia. The prevalence of sarcopenia is as high as 30% for those above 60 years old. In the elderly, the loss of muscle mass is correlated with profound physical impairment and disability with severe clinical consequences, including mobility loss, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, increased fracture risk, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and increased mortality. However, it is also often developed at a much younger age. Despite the above clinical significance and despite the fact that a strong familial component in muscular mass variation is well established, there is almost a total lack of molecular genetic studies of this trait. This is in a great contradiction to studies concerning the other two body composition components: bone and fat mass, for each of which many dozens of studies have been published during the past two decades. It is therefore timely and imperative to invest extensive scientific research n the genetic and metabolic mechanisms of early and rapid muscle mass loss.


The other important subject of our current research is lower back pain, representing most common musculoskeletal disorder in general human population. However, it is still unclear which individuals develop it. We examine the contribution of genetic factors, lumbar disc degeneration and other potential risk factors in a general human population.


Recent Publications

Since 2005

125. Livshits G.  Genetic epidemiology of skeletal system aging in apparently healthy human population. Mech Ageing Dev. 2005;126:269-79.


126. Livshits G., Pantsulaia I.  and Gerber L.M.  Association of leptin levels  with obesity and blood pressure:  possible common genetic variation.  Int J Obes (Lond).2005; 29: 85-92.


127. Malkin I., Dahm S., Suk A., Kobyliansky E., Toliat M., Ruf N., Livshits G, Nürnberg P.  Association of ANKH gene polymorphisms with radiographic hand bone size and geometry in a Chuvasha population.  Bone, 2005; 36:365-373.


128. Pantsulaia I., Trofimov S., Kobyliansky E. and Livshits G.  Genetic regulation of variation of circulating insulin like growth factors and leptin in human pedigrees. Metabolism, 2005;54:975-81.

129. Pantsulaia I., Trofimov S., Kobyliansky E. and Livshits G.  Contribution of the familial and genetic factors on monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 variation in healthy human pedigrees.

Cytokine, 2005; 32:117-123.


130. Suk A., Malkin I., Dahm S., Kalichman L., Ruf N.,Kobyliansky E., Toliat M, Rutsch F., Nürnberg P., Livshits G.  Association of ENPP-1 gene polymorphisms with hand osteoarthritis in a Chuvasha population. Arthrit Res Ther, 2005; 7:R1082-R1090.


131.  Kalichman L., Kobyliansky E., Siebel M, Livshits G.  Repeated measurement study of hand osteoarthritis in an apparently healthy Caucasian population.   Am J Hum Biol, 2005; 17:611-621.


132. Ermakov S., Kobyliansky E. and Livshits G. Quantitative genetic study of head size related phenotypes in ethnically homogeneous Chuvasha pedigrees. Ann Hum Biol, 2005; 32:585-598.


133. Crawford M.H., Banerjee P., Demarchi D.A., Zlojutro M., McComb J., Livshits G., Henneberg M., Mosher M.J.,. Schanfield M.S  and Knowles J.A.. Applications of Pooled DNA Samples to the Assessment of Population Affinities: Short Tandem Repeats. Hum Biol, 2005; 77:723-733.


134. Ermakov S., Malkin I., Kobyliansky E., Livshits G. Variation in femoral length is associated with polymorphisms in RUNX2 gene.  Bone, 2006; 38:199-205.


135. Gurwitz D., and Livshits G. Personalized Medicine Europe: Health, Genes and Society: Tel- Aviv University, Israel, June 19-21,2005. Eur J Hum Genet, 2006; 14: 376-80.


136. Kalichman, L., Kobyliansky, E. and Livshits, G. Characteristics of joint degeneration in hand osteoarthritis. Joint Bone Spine, 2006; 73:  72-76.


137. Pantsulaia, I., Trofimov, S., Kobyliansky, E and Livshits, G. Genetic and environmemtal determinants of circulating levels of angiogenin in community-based sample.  Clin Endocrinol 2006; 64:271-279.


138. Livshits G. Quantitative genetics of circulating molecules associated with bone metabolism: a review. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 2006; 6:47-61.


139. Kalichman L, Livshits G, Kobyliansky E. Association between morbidity and skeletal biomarkers of biological aging. Hum Biol. 2006; 78:77-88.


140. Kalichman L., Livshits G., Kobyliansky E. Indices of body composition and chronic morbidity: A Cross-sectional study of a rural population in central Russia. Am J Hum Biol. 2006; 18:350-358.


141. Vistoropsky Y., Trofimov S., Pantsulaia I., Livshits G.  Genetic and environmental determinants of soluble adhesion molecules.  Ann Hum Genet. 2006; 70:749-758.


142. Kalichman L., Livshits G., Kobyliansky E. The association between morbidity and radiographic hand osteoarthritis: a population-based study. Joint Bone Spine, 2006; 73:406-410.


143. Malkin I., Ermakov S., Kobyliansky E., Livshits G.  Strong association between polymorphisms in ANKH locus and skeletal size traits.  Hum Genet 2006; 120:42-51.


144. Leonid Kalichman, Ida Malkin, Gregory Livshits, Eugene Kobyliansky. Age at menarche in Chuvasha rural population. Am J Hum Biol 2006; 33: 390-397.


145. Sergey Ermakov, Eugene Kobyliansky, Gregory Livshits. Complex segregation analysis of two principal components derived from horizontal and vertical head size traits. Ann Hum Biol 2006; 33: 546 – 556.


146. Leonid Kalichman, Ida Malkin, Gregory Livshits, Oleg Pavlovsky, Victor Batsevich, and Eugene Kobyliansky. Variation of skeletal biomarkers of biological aging in a Chuvashian population. Am J Hum Biol. 2007, 19:74-81.


147. Pantsulaia, I., Trofimov, S., Livshits, G, Kobyliansky, E.  Contribution of the familial and genetic factors to variation of the circulating resistin in community based sample. Eur J Endocrinol. 2007;156:129-135.


148. Ida Malkin, Galya Bigman, Rakefet Matias, Leonid Kalichman, Markus J. Seibel, Eugene Kobyliansky, and Gregory Livshits. Age-related changes of bone strength phenotypes: observational follow-up study of hand bone BMD. Ost Intern 2007 Oct 12; [Epub ahead of print].


149. Yulia Vistoropsky, Ida Malkin, Eugene Kobyliansky, Svetlana Trofimov, and Gregory Livshits.  Interindividual variation of circulating levels of OPG is strongly associated with ANKH gene polymorphisms. Ann Hum Genet 2006; 71:302–307.


150. Jakowlev K, Livshits G, Kalichman L, Lancet D, Malkin I, Ben-Asher E, Kobyliansky E.  Search for genetic association between hand osteoarthritis related phenotypes and 6p12.3-p12.1 chromosome.  Human Biol 2007; 78:1-14.


151. Gregory Livshits,  Bernet S Kato, Guangju Zhai, Deborah J, David Hunter, Alex J MacGregor,  Frances MK Williams, Tim D Spector. Genomewide Linkage Scan of Hand Osteoarthritis in Female Twin Pairs Showing Replication of QTLs on Chromosome 2 and 19. Ann Rheum Dis 2007; 66:623–627. 


152. Yulia Vistoropsky, Michal Keter, Svetlana Trofimov, Ida Malkin, Eugene Kobyliansky, Gregory Livshits. Contribution of putative genetic factors and ANKH gene polymorphisms to variation of circulating calciotropic molecules, PTH and BGP.  Hum Molecul Genet 2007; 10 1233–1240.


153. Sergey Ermakov, Ida Malkin, Michal Keter, Eugene Kobyliansky and Gregory Livshits. Family-based association study of ROR2 polymorphisms with an array of radiographic hand bone strength phenotypes. Osteop Int. 2007; 18:1683-1692.


154. Gregory Livshits, Bernet S Kato, Scott G Wilson and Tim D Spector. Linkage of Genes to Total Lean Body Mass in Normal Women.  J Clin Endocrin Metabol, 2007, 92:3171-3176.


155. Frances MK Williams, Bernet S Kato, Gregory Livshits, Philip N Sambrook, Tim D Spector, Alex J MacGregor. Lumbar disc disease shows linkage to chromosome 19 overlapping with hand OA QTL. Ann Rheum Dis 2008; 67: 117-119.


156. Leonid Kalichman, Ida Malkin, Markus J. Seibel, Eugene Kobyliansky, and Gregory Livshits.

Epiphyseal expansion in hand bones:  association with age, sex, and hand osteoarthritis. Osteoart& Cartilage 2008; 16: 560-565.


157. Yulia Vistoropsky, Svetlana Trofimov, Ida Malkin, Eugene Kobyliansky, Gregory Livshits. Contribution of putative genetic factors to variation of plasma levels of heptocyte growth factor and its association with obesity and blood pressure. Ann Hum Biol 2008; 35: 93–103.


158. Sergey Ermakov, Ida Malkin, Michal Keter, Eugene Kobyliansky and Gregory Livshits. Family-based Association Study of Polymorphisms in the RUNX2 Locus with Hand Bone Length and Hand BMD. Ann Hum Genet, 2008; 72:510-518.


159. Leonid Kalichman, Ida Malkin, Galya Bigman, Rakefet Matias, Markus J. Seibel, Eugene Kobyliansky, and Gregory Livshits. Age-related changes in bone-strength-associated geometry indices in naive human populations. Anatom Record, 2008; 291:835 -844.


160. Korostishevsky Michael, Yulia Vistoropsky, Ida Malkin, Eugene Kobyliansky, Gregory Livshits. Anthropometric and bone-related biochemical factors are associated with different haplotypes of ANKH locus. Ann Hum Biol. 2008; 35:535-46.


161. Leonid Kalichman, Ida Malkin, Markus J. Seibel, Eugene Kobyliansky, and Gregory Livshits. Age-related changes and secular trends in hand bone size. Homo. 2008; 59:301-15.


162. Ia Pantsulaia, Svetlana Trofimova, Eugene Kobyliansky and Gregory Livshits. Relationship between obesity, adipocytokines and blood pressure:  Possible common genetic and environmental factors. Am J Hum Biol. 2009; 21:84-90.


163. Guangju Zhai, Joyce B J van Meurs, Gregory Livshits, Ana M Valdes, Deborah Hart, J Brent  Richard, Nicole Soranzo, Panos Deloukas, Tomi Markku Pastinen, John Loughlin, Andre Uitterlinden, Tim D Spector. 2009. A genome-wide association study reveals that ataxin 2 binding protein 1 gene is associated with hand osteoarthritis via effects on subchondral bone. J Med Genet, 2009, 46: 614-616.  


164. Korostishevsky Michael, Malkin Ida, Tim Spector, Gregory Livshits.  Parametric Model-Based Statistics for Possible Genotyping Errors and Sample Stratification in Sibling-pair SNP Data. Genet Epidem. 2010, 34:26-33.


165. Nicole Soranzo, Fernando Rivadeneira, Usha Chinappen-Horsley, Ida Malkina, J. Brent Richards,  Naomi Hammond, Lisette Stolk, Alexandra Nica, Michael Inouye, Albert Hofman, et al,

Gregory Livshits, Timothy D. Spector, André G. Uitterlinden, Panos Deloukas. 2009. Meta-analysis of genome-wide scans for human adult stature identifies novel Loci and associations with measures of skeletal frame size. PLoS Genet. 2009 April; 5(4): e1000445.  


166. Gregory Livshits, Guangju Zhai, Deborah J Hart, Bernet S Kato, Huizhong Wang, Frances MK.Williams, Tim D Spector. Interleukin Six is a Significant Predictor of Knee Osteoarthritis: the Chingford Study. Arthr & Rheum 2009; 60:2037-2045.


167. Meliha Karsak, Ida Malkin, Mohammad R. Toliat, Christian Kubisch, Peter Nürnberg, Andreas Zimmer, Gregory Livshits. The cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CNR2) gene is associated with bone mineral density in a healthy population. Hum Genet 2009; 126:629-36.


168. Ching-Lung Cheung, Gregory Livshits, Yanhua Zhou, J. B. Meigs, J. McAteer, J. C. Florez, L.A. Cupples, Serkalem Demissie, Douglas. P. Kiel, David Karasik. Hip Geometry Variation is Associated with Bone Mineralization Pathway Gene Variants: the Framingham Study. J Bone Miner Research 2010; 25: 1564–1571.


169. Sergey Ermakov, Mohammad R. Toliat, Zvi Cohen, Ida Malkin, Peter Nürnberg, Gregory Livshits. Association Study of Polymorphisms in the ALPL and ENPP1 Loci, Related to Bone  Mineralization and Diverse Skeletal Traits. BONE, 2010; 46: 1244-50.


170. Michael Korostishevsky, Zvi Cohen, Ida Malkin, Olga Yarenchuck, Sergey Ermakov, Gregory Livshits. Genetic association between the series of polymorpsims in three mineralization genes and  obesity traits in normal human population. Int J Obesity 2010; 34:1308-18.


171. Sergey Ermakov, Michael Rosenbaum, Ida Malkin, Gregory Livshits. Assocition of ENPP1 gene with cranio-facial morphology. Ann Hum Biol 2010; 37: 754-66.


172. Yulia Vistoropsky, Sergey Ermakov, Mohammed Toliat, Svetlana Trofimov, Janine Altmüller, Ida Malkin, Peter Nürnberg, Gregory Livshits.  Genetic determinants of circulating levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor II and their association with TNFRII gene variants. CYTOKINE, 2010; 51: 28-34.


173. FMK Williams, M Popham, G Livshits, P Sambrook, TD Spector, AJ MacGregor. Comment on "Challenging the cumulative injury model: positive effects of greater body mass on disc degeneration" by Videman et al. Spine J, 2010; 10:571-2.


174. Gregory Livshits, Sergey Ermakov, Maria Popham, Alex J MacGregor, Philip Sambrook, Timothy D Spector,  Frances MK.Williams. Evidence that bone mineral density plays role in degenerative disc disease: an MRI-based population study. Ann Rheumatic Dis, 2010; 69: 2102-6.


175. Gregory Livshits, Sergey Ermakov, Arthur Vilker. Outline of the biochemistry of osteoarthritis: a review. Current Rheumatology Reviews, 2010; 6(4): 234-250.


176. Sergey Ermakov, Anna Leonova, Svetlana Trofimova, Ida Malkin, Gregory Livshits. Quantitative genetic study of the circulating osteopontin in community selected families. Osteop Intern 2011; 22(8): 2261-2271.


177. Anna Leonov, Svetlana Trofimov, Sergey Ermakov, Gregory Livshits. Quantitative Genetic Study of Amphiregulin and Fractalkine Circulating Levels - Potential Markers of Arthropathies. Osteoarthr & Cartil, 2011, 19:737-742.


178. Gregory Livshits, Maria Popham, Ida Malkin,  Philip N. Sambrook, Alex J MacGregor, Timothy Spector, Frances MK Williams. Degenerative disc disease and genetic predisposition are the main risk factors for low back pain in women: The UK Twin Spine Study (TUTSS). Ann Rheumatic Dis, 2011 70(10):1740-5. 


179. Sapir-Koren Rony and Livshits Gregory. Bone mineralization and regulation of phosphate homeostasis. IBMS BoneKEy, 2011; 8(6):286-300.


180. Sergey Ermakov, Svetlana Trofimova, Ida Malkin, Gregory Livshits. A Significant Association Exists between Receptor Tyrosine Kinase-like Orphan Receptor 2 Gene Variants and the OPG/RANKL Ratio in Human Plasma. Osteoporos Int, 2012; 23(7):1899-907


181. Michael Korostishevsky, Frances Williams, Deborah Hart, Orit Blumenfeld, Timothy Spector, Gregory Livshits. Implementation of the simplified stochastic model of aging for longitudinal osteoarthritis data assessment. Ann Hum Biol, 2012; 39(3):214-22.


182. Michael Korostishevsky, Ida Malkin, Svetlana Trofimov, Hong-Wen Deng, Gregory Livshits. Significant association between body composition phenotypes and the osteocalcin genomic region in normative human population.  BONE, 2012; 51(4):688-94.


183. Gregory Livshits, Ida Malkin, Alireza Moayyeri, Timothy D Spector, Christopher J Hammond. Association of FTO gene variants with body composition in UK twins. Ann Hum Genet 2012; 76(5):333-41.


184.  Gregory Livshits, Ida Malkin, Frances MK Williams, Deborah J Hart, Alan Hakim, Timothy D Spector.  Longitudinal Study of Variation in Body Mass Index in Middle-Aged UK Females. AGE, 2012; 34(5):1285-94.                                       


185. Orit Blumenfeld, Frances MK Williams, Debora J Hart, Nigel K Arden, Timothy D Spector, Gregory Livshits. Lower Limbs Composition and Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis (RKOA) in Chingford Sample - a Longitudinal Study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2013; 56(1):148-54.


186. Rony Sapir-Koren and Gregory Livshits. Are estrogen and estrogen receptors essential to mechanical stimulation of bone formation? Osteoporos Int. 2013; 24:1771–89.


187. Ruth Z. Birk, Sergey Ermakov, Gregory Livshits. Common fSNP variants of fourteen Bardet-Biedl syndrome genes and adult body mass.  OBESITY, 2013; 21(8):1684-9.


188. Liran Franco, Frances MK Williams, Svetlana Trofimov, Tim D Spector, Gregory Livshits. Contribution of putative genetic factors and candidate gene variants to inter-individual variation of circulating fractalkine (CX3CL1) levels in a large UK twins' sample. Human Immunology, 2013; 74(3):358-63.


189. Liran Franco, Frances MK Williams, Svetlana Trofimov, Tim D Spector, Gregory Livshits. Elevated plasma fractalkine levels are associated with higher levels of IL-6, Apo-B, LDL-C and insulin, but not with body composition. METABOLISM, 2013; 62(8):1081-7.


190. Orit Blumenfeld, Frances MK Williams, Debora J Hart, Nigel K Arden, Timothy D Spector, Gregory Livshits. Association between Cartilage and Bone Biomarkers and Incidence of Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis (RKOA) in UK Females: A Prospective Study. Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2013; 21(7):923-9.


191. Liran Franco, Frances MK. Williams, Svetlana Trofimov, Ida Malkin, Gabriela Surdulescu, Timothy Spector, Gregory Livshits. Changes in heritability and IGF-1 gene effect on IGF-1 circulating levels variation, AGE (in press) 2014; 36:1443–1452.


192. Orit Blumenfeld, Frances MK Williams, Ana Valdes, Debora J Hart, Ida Malkin, Timothy D Spector, Gregory Livshits. Association of interleukin-6 gene polymorphisms with hand osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, Cytokine, 2014; 69:94-101.


193. Rony Sapir-Koren and Gregory Livshits. Osteocyte Control of Bone Remodeling:  Is Sclerostin a Key Molecular Coordinator of the Coupled Bone Resorption-Formation Cycles?  A review. Osteopor Int 2014; 25(12):2685-700.


194. Ida Malkin, Frances MK Williams, Genevieve LaChance, Timothy Spector, Alex J MacGregor, Gregory Livshits. Low back and common widespread pain share common genetic determinants, Ann Hum Genet 2014; 78(5):357-66.


195. Tasbulat Dosaev, Jai Prakash, Gregory Livshits. Contribution of body composition components and biochemical factors related to fat and muscle tissues metabolism to body mass index variation, Am J Hum Biol 2014; 26(6):760-7.


196. Rony Sapir-Koren and Gregory Livshits. Association of systemic hormones with FGF23 levels and their combined effect on bone remodeling. BioFactors, 2014;  40(6):555–568.


197. Adina Bachar, Doron Hermony, Gregory Livshits. Ruth Birk.  Late successful weight reduction and maintenance among overweight and obese adults - a two year retrospective study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2014; 106:511-521.


198. Alina German, Gregory Livshits, Inga Peter, Ida Malkin, Jonathan Dubnov, Hannah Akons, Michael Shmoish, Ze’ev Hochberg. Environmental rather than genetic factors determine the variation in age of the infancy to childhood transition: a twins study. J Pediatr 2015; 166:731-5


199. Jai Prakash, Guram Pichchadze, Svetlana Trofimov, Gregory Livshits. Age and genetic determinants of variation of circulating levels of the receptor for advanced glycation products (RAGE) in the general human population. Mech Aging Devel 2015; 145:18-25.


200. Michael Korostishevsky, Frances MK Williams, Ida Malkin, Timothy Spector, Alex J Macgregor, Gregory Livshits.  Genetics and metabolomics of muscular mass. EJHG 2015 Apr 22. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2015.85.


201. Gregory Livshits, Alexander J Macgregor, Christian Gieger, Ida Malkin, Alireza Moayyeri,  Harald Grallert, Rebecca T Emeny, Tim D Spector, Gabi Kastenmüller, Frances MK Williams. An omics investigation of chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain reveals the role of adipose tissue and steroid metabolism. Pain 2015; 156(10):1845-1851.

202. Alexander Kalinkovich and Gregory Livshits. Sarcopenia – the search for emerging biomarkers. Ageing Research Reviews, 2015; 22: 58–71.  


203. Sukhleen Momi, Stella Fabiane, Genevieve LaChance, Gregory Livshits, Frances MK Williams. Neuropathic pain as part of chronic widespread pain: environmental and genetic influences. Pain 2015; 156(10):2100-6.


204. Jai Prakash, Frances MK. Williams, Svetlana Trofimov, Gabriela Surdulescu, Timothy Spector, Gregory Livshits. Quantitative Genetics of Circulating Dickkopf-Related Protein 1 (DKK1) in Community Based Sample of UK Twins. Ostop Intl (accepted pending revision).


205. M. Carola Zillikens, Serkalem Demissie, Laura Yerges, Yi-Hsiang Hsu, Lisette Stolk  Luke Ward, Gregory Livshits Wen-Chi Chou, Lucas D Ward, Linda Broer, Toby Johnson, Daniel L Koller et al. Douglas Kiel. A Large Meta-Analysis of Genome Wide Association Studies Identifies Five Significant Loci for Lean Body Mass.  Nature Communications (accepted pending revision).


206. Andrea Burri, Soshiro Ogata, Gregory Livshits, Frances Williams. Genetic and environmental factors contributing to the overlap between chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain, depression and fatigue. PLoS One (accepted pending revision).



Chapters in Books

1. Nei, M. and Livshits, G. Evolutionary relationships of Europeans, Asians, and Africans at the molecular level. In: Population Biology of Genes and Molecules. Eds. N. Takahata and J.F. Crow. Baifukan, Tokyo, 1990, pp. 251-265.


2. Nei, M., Livshits, G., Ota, T. Genetic variation and evolution of human populations. Chapter 16. In C.F. Sing & C.L. Hanis (Eds): "Genetics of cellular, individual, family and population variability". Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993, pp. 239-252.


3. Livshits, G. and Smouse, P. Fluctuating asymmetry and  heterozygosity in Israeli population. In: T.A. Markow (Ed):   Developmental instability: Its origin and evolutionary  implications. Kluwer Academer Publishers, Dordrecht, 1994, pp. 157-168.


4. Livshits, G. and Peter, I. Family and biological factors in preterm birth and early child development in Israel. Chapter 8. In: Wolanski,N. and Bogin B. (Eds). "The family as an environment for human development".  J. Human Ecology (Special Issue, 1996), 5: 115-124.


5.   Livshits, G. Genetic History of Jewish Populations: Continuous Controversy. Proceedings of the 3rd German Anthropological Society Congress, Cuvillier Verlag, Gottingen, 2000, 373-379.


6. Karasik, D., Kobyliansky, E. and Livshits, G. Ethnic and genetic factors of bone aging. Chapter 10. In: A.Siniarska and N.Wolanski(Eds.) "Ecology of Aging", Human Ecology Special Issue  (# 8) 2000, 162-190


7. Peter, I. and Livshits, G. Statistical genetic analyis reveals strong common twin environment effects on early physical growth nd motor development of Israeli infants. Proceedings of the 4th German Anthropological Society Congress, Cuvillier Verlag Gottingen, 2001; 221-227.


8. Livshits, G. Genetics of bone strength and bone metabolism. Proceedings of the International Osteoporosis Conference - Bone and Joint Decade combined meeting. Hangzhou, China, 2005;



Papers in review and in preparation

Rony Sapir-Koren and Gregory Livshits. Rheumatoid Arthritis Onset in Postmenopausal Women: Is An Interaction Between Genetic Factors and Estrogen Deficiency A Major Risk Factor?  (in review).


Gregory Livshits, Fei Gao, Ida Malkin, Maria Needhamsen, Yudong Xia, Wei Yuan, Christopher G Bell, Kirsten Ward, Yuan Liu, Jun Wang, Jordana T Bell, Tim D Spector. Contribution of heritability and epigenetic factors to skeletal muscle mass variation in UK twins (in preparation).


Sudipta Ghosh, Tasbulat Dosaev, Ida Malkin, Gregory Livshits. Comparative quntitative genetic analysis of the reltaionship between the body composition, somatotypes and arterial blood pressure in two ethnically differnet human  (in preparation).


Michael Korostishevsky, Frances MK Williams, Ida Malkin, Timothy Spector, Alex J Macgregor, Gregory Livshits.  Contribution of putative genetic factors and candidate gene LARGE variants to inter-individual variation of heat pain threshold in a large UK twins' sample (in preparation).


Gregory Livshits, Ida Malkin, Alireza Moayyeri, Timothy D Spector, Frances MK Williams, Christopher J Hammond. Genetics and metabolomics of the longitudinal variation of body composition (in preparation).


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