Prof. Debbie Rand

Department of Occupational Therapy
חוג לריפוי בעיסוק סגל אקדמי בכיר


Associate Professor,  Department of Occupational Therapy, Stanley Steyer School of Health Professions, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences




1989-1992 B.O.T., Department of Occupational Therapy, Tel Aviv University, Israel
1995-1998 M.Sc., School of Occupational Therapy, Hebrew University, Israel
2002-2007  Ph.D., Department of Occupational Therapy, Haifa University, Israel
2008-2010 Post-Doctoral studies, Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada



1. The affected upper extremity post-stroke

The affected upper extremity post stroke and specifically daily hand-use of individuals post stroke is Prof. Rand's main research area.


The Bimanual Observation of The Hands (BOTH)

BOTH is an observation tool to assess bimanual coordination while participants perform bimanual functional tasks.

Access the manual of BOTH in English




2. Executive function deficits of individuals with neurological conditions and aging adults

3. Physical activity of older adults and individuals with neurological conditions

4. Active video-games, touchscreen tablet games and virtual reality for rehabilitation 

5. Frailty in older adults 

Prof. Rand is particularly interested in healthy aging, focusing on the physical, cognitive and social aspects of older adults and how these may impact daily living and quality of life.

She aims to develop clinical interventions to maintain and improve independence in daily living and participation. She integrates the use of technologies in these interventions.


Bachar Kirshenboim Y, Tzur Lebovich S, Weitzer T, Doron D, Bondi M, Cialic R, Rand D. (2025). Upper Extremity-Cognitive Dual-Task Capacity Post-Stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2025 Feb 11:15459683251317192.

Rand D, Omer N, Levkoviz A, Assadi Khalil S. (2025). The Bimanual Observation of The Hands (BOTH): Development, reliability, and validity for stroke rehabilitation. PLoS One, Jan 7;20(1):e0316356.

Bachar Kirshenboim, Y., Doron, D., Assaly, B., & Rand, D. (2024). " They can, but why don't they?" Exploring non-motor factors to explain limited hand-use poststroke. European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine60(5), 798-801.

Assayag, N., Bar-Shalita, T., & Rand, D. (2024). The Functional-Cognitive and Sensory Treatment (F-CaST) to improve rehabilitation outcomes of individuals with substance use disorder: a study protocol for a mixed-method randomized controlled trial. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice19(1), 1-11.

Rand, D., Khalil, S. A., Schaham, I., Doron, N., Peri, S., Zeilig, G., ... & Barel, H. (2024). U-Rate-UE; Measuring Perceived Recovery of the Affected Upper Extremity in Adults Post-stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 105, 1151-1157.

Givon Schaham, N., Buckman, Z., & Rand, D. (2024). TECH preserves global cognition of older adults with MCI compared with a control group: a randomized controlled trial. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research36(1), 1.

Bar-Nizan, T., Rand, D., & Lahav, Y. (2024). Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice and Burnout Among Occupational Therapists: The Role of Self-Efficacy. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy78(1), 7801205190.

Loubani, K., Polo, K. M., Baxter, M. F., & Rand, D. (2024). Identifying Facilitators of and Barriers to Referrals to Occupational Therapy Services by Israeli Cancer Health Care Professionals: A Qualitative Study. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy78(1), 7801205050.

Khalil, S. A., Kim, G. J., & Rand, D. (2024). Comparison of Upper Extremity Function and Daily Use in Individuals with and without Post Stroke Depression. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair38(2), 99.

Kirshenboim Bachar Y., Weitzer, T., & Rand, D. (2023). Assessing upper extremity-cognitive dual-task ability in neurological populations: A systematic review. Neurorehabilitation, 2023;53(4):459-471.

Loubani, K., & Rand, D. (2023). Implementing Telehealth Among Occupational Therapists Working in the Health Care System: A Survey on the Current Practice and Experiences. Telemedicine and e-Health.

Shamir, D., Loubani, K., Givon Schaham, N., Buckman, Z., & Rand, D. (2023). Experiences of Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment from Cognitive Self-Training Using Touchscreen Tablets. Games for Health Journal.

Levin, C., Bachar‐Kirshenboim, Y., & Rand, D. (2023). Daily steps, walking tests, and functioning in chronic stroke; comparing independent walkers to device‐users. Physiotherapy Research International, e2035.

Maman, R., Rand, D., & Avrech Bar, M. (2023). How do older women perceive the occupations and activities within their maternal role? Findings from an exploratory survey. Plos one18(5), e0283992.

Adamit T, Shames J, Rand D. (2023). Functional and Cognitive Occupational Therapy (FaCoT) Improves Self-Efficacy and Behavioral-Emotional Status of Individuals with Mild Stroke; Analysis of Secondary Outcomes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13;20(6):5052.

Givon Schaham, N., Buckman, Z., & Rand, D. (2022). The Effect of Daily Practice of Puzzle-Game Apps on Cognition in Two Groups of Older Adults: A Pre-Post Experimental Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(23), 15454.

Kim, G. J., Lebovich, S., & Rand, D. (2022). Perceived Facilitators and Barriers for Actual Arm Use during Everyday Activities in Community Dwelling Individuals with Chronic StrokeInternational journal of environmental research and public health19(18), 11707.  

Vered Goldman-Gerber, Isabella Schwartz & Debbie Rand (2022): Upper extremity self-efficacy correlates with daily hand-use of individuals with high functional capacity post-stroke, Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2022.2087764

Levin C, Zisberg A, Gil E, Rand D, Agmon M. (2022). ‘Behind the scenes’ of accelerometer use to quantify in-hospital mobility of older adults. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 24;S0003-9993(22)00020-X. 

Rand D, Sternberg SA, Gasner Winograd R, Buckman Z, Bentur N (2022). The Contribution of Frailty to Participation of Older Adults.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 1616.

Maman R, Rand D, Avrech Bar M. (2022). A Scoping Review of the Maternal Role at Older Age; Perceptions and Occupations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 492. 

Nadler Tzadok Y, Eliav R, Portnoy P, Rand D. (2022). Establishing validity of the Internet-based Bill-Paying Task to assess Executive Function Deficits in Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76(4):7604205110.

Hmaied Assadi S, Barel H, Dudkiewicz I, Feige Gross – Nevo R, Rand D. (2021). Less affected hand function is associated with independence in daily living; a longitudinal study post-stroke. Stroke. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.034478.

Adamit T, Shames J, Rand D. (2021). Effectiveness of the Functional and Cognitive Occupational Therapy (FaCoT) Intervention for Improving Daily Functioning and Participation of Individuals with Mild Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 7988.

Kravitz N, Levanon Y, Cukierman-Yaffe T, Nota A, Kizony R, Rand D. (2021). Senso-motor and cognitive abilities associated with touchscreen-tablet app performance to support self-management of type-2 diabetes. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75, 7501205080p1-7501205080p9.

Elkarif V, Kandel L, Rand D, Schwartz I, Greenberg A, Gurion R, Portnoy S. (2021). Comparison of the kinematics following gait perturbation in individuals who did or did not undergo total knee replacement. Applied Sciences, 11(16): 7453-7464.

Elkarif V, Kandel L, Rand D, Schwartz I, Greenberg A, Portnoy S. (2021). Muscle activity while ambulating on stairs and slope individuals, scheduled versus non-scheduled to knee arthroplasty, and healthy controls. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 52: 1-6.

Hmaied Assadi S, Feige Gross-Nevo R, Dudkiewicz I, Barel H, Rand R. (2020). Improvement of   the Upper Extremity at the Subacute Stage Post-Stroke; Does Hand dominance Play a Role? Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 34, 1030-1037.

Givon-Schaham N, Dunda N, Vetek H, Elbo I, Buckman Z, Rand D.  (2020). The development   and feasibility of TECH: Tablet Enhancement of Cognition and Health, A novel cognitive intervention for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment.  Games for Health Journal 9, 346-352.

Elkarif V, Kandel L, Rand D, Schwartz I, Greenberg A, Portnoy S. (2020). Kinematics following gait perturbation in adults with knee osteoarthritis: Scheduled versus not scheduled for knee arthroplasty. Gait Posture, 81:144-152.

Doron, N. Rand, D. (2019). Is Unilateral Spatial Neglect Associated With Motor Recovery of the Affected Upper Extremity Poststroke? A Systematic Review. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 33(3), 179-187.

Yacoby A, Zeilig G, Weingarden H, Weiss R, Rand D. (2019). Feasibility, adherence and satisfaction of video-games versus traditional self-training of the upper extremity in chronic stroke; a pilot randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 37(1); 1-14.

Cohen Y, Zisberg A, Chayat Y, Gur-Yaish N, Gil E, Levin C, Rand D, Agmon M. (2019). Walking for better outcomes and recovery: The effect of WALK-FOR in preventing Hospital – associated functional decline among older adults. The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 74 (10), 1664-1670.

Givon-Shaham N, Sternberg S, Rand D. (2018). Executive functioning of older adults correlates with performance of touchscreen app-based Puzzles. Games for Health Journal, 7, 271-276.

Rand D. (2018). Mobility, balance and balance confidence – correlations with daily living of individuals with and without mild proprioception deficits post-stroke. NeuroRehabilitation, 43, 219-226.

Givon-Shaham N, Zeilig G, Weingarden H, Rand D. (2018). Game analysis and clinical use of the Xbox-Kinect for stroke Rehabilitation. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 41,323-30.

Lipskaya-Velikovsky L, Zeilig G, Weingarden H, Rozental-Iluz C, Rand D. (2018). Executive functioning and daily living of individuals with chronic stroke: Measurement and Implications. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 41(2):122-127.

Rand D. (2018). Proprioception deficits in chronic stroke - upper extremity function and daily living. PlOS ONE, 13(3):e0195043.

Zisberg A, Agmon M, Gur-Yaish N, Rand D, Hayat Y, Gil E and the WALK-FOR team (2018). No one size fits all—the development of a theory-driven intervention to increase in-hospital mobility: the “WALK-FOR” study. BMC Geriatrics, 13;18(1):91, 2018

Rand D, Ben-Chaim KL, Malka R, Portnoy S. (2018). Development of Internet-based Tasks for the Executive Function Performance Test. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72(2):7202205060p1-7202205060p7.

Rand D, Givon N, Averch Bar M. (2018). A video-game group intervention; experiences and perceptions of adults with chronic stroke and their therapists. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 85(2):158-168.

Rand D, Weingarden H, Weiss R, Yacoby A, Reif S, Malka R, Shiller DA, Zeilig G.  (2017). Self-training to improve UE function at the chronic stage post-stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Disability and Rehabilitation, 39, 15, 1541-1548.

Levin C, Gur-Yaish N, Agmon M‏, Gil E, Rand D, King B, Zisberg A. (2017). Development and psychometric testing of a measure of older adult patients' attitudes towards mobility during hospitalization (ATM-H) Geriatric Nursing. Geriatric Nursing 38(2):119-123

Agmon M, Zisberg A, Gil E, Rand D, Gur-Yaish N, Azriel M. (2017). Association Between 900 Steps a Day and Functional Decline in Older Hospitalized Patients JAMA Internal Medicine, 1;177(2):272-274. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.7266.

Portnoy S, Reif S, Mendelboim T, Rand D. (2017). Postural control of individuals with chronic stroke compared to healthy participants: TUG, FRT and center of pressure movement. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 53, 685-693.

Kizony R, Zeilig G, Dudkiewicz I, Schejter-Margalit T, Rand D. (2016). Tablet Apps and Dexterity: Comparison Between 3 Age Groups and Proof of Concept for Stroke Rehabilitation. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 40(1):31-9.

Rozental-Iluz C, Zeilig G, Weingarden H, Rand D. (2016). Improving executive function deficits by playing interactive video-games; a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial for individuals with chronic stroke. European Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine 52(4):508-15

Kizony R, Zeilig G, Dudkiewicz I, Schejter-Margalit T, Rand D. (2016). Tablet Apps and Dexterity: Comparison Between 3 Age Groups and Proof of Concept for Stroke Rehabilitation. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 40(1):31-9.

Givon N, Zeilig G, Weingarden H, Rand D. (2016) Video-games used in a group setting is feasible and effective to improve indicators of physical activity in individuals with chronic stroke: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 30(4):383-92.

Rand D, Zeilig G, Kizony R. (2015). Rehab-let: touchscreen tablet for self-training impaired dexterity post stroke: study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Trials. Jun 18;16:277. doi: 10.1186/s13063-015-0796-9.

Frost Y, Weingarden H, Zeilig G, Nota A, Rand D. (2015). Self-care self-efficacy correlates with independence in basic activities of daily living in individuals with chronic stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 24(7):1649-55.

Ratzon, N.Z., Friedman, S.,  Zamir, S., Amit, Y., Rand, D. (2015).  Functional capacity evaluation; does it change the determination of the degree of work disability? Disability and Health Journal, 8, 80-85.

Rand D & Eng JJ (2015). Predicting daily-use of the affected upper extremity one year poststroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 24,274-283.

Givon, N., & Rand D (2014). Group therapy using video games for individuals with chronic stroke. Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 23, H94-H104.

Rand, D., Givon, N., Weingarden, H., Nota, A., Zeilig G. (2014). Eliciting upper extremity purposeful movements using video-games: a comparison with traditional therapy for stroke rehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 28, 733–739.

Erez, N., Weiss, P.L., Kizony, R., Rand, D. (2013). Comparing performance within a virtual supermarket of children with traumatic brain injury to typically developing children: a pilot study. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 33,  218-227.

Neil, A., Ens, S., Pelletier, R., Jarus, T., Rand D. (2012). Eliciting upper extremity movement by playing video games - Nintendo Wii vs. Sony PlayStation EyeToy: implications for stroke rehabilitation. The European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 48, 1-9.

Tang, A., Eng, J.J., Rand, D. (2012). Relationship between perceived and measured changes in walking after stroke. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 36, 1-7.

Kam, N., Struzik, J., Jarus, T., & Rand D. (2012). Is the Nintendo Wii Suitable for Stroke Rehabilitation? A Pilot Feasibility and Usability Study. The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 21, E3-E25.

Rand, D., & Eng J.J. (2012). Disparity between functional recovery and daily use of the upper and lower extremities during subacute stroke rehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 26, 76-84.

Rand, D., Miller W.C. Yiu, J., Eng J.J. (2011). Interventions for addressing low balance confidence in older adults; a systematic review and meta-analysis. Age and Aging, 40, 297–306.

Rand, D., Eng, J. (2010). Arm-Hand Usage in Healthy Older Adults. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64,  877-885. 

Rand, D., Eng, J., Tang, P., Hung, C., & Jeng, J. (2010). Participation in physical activity and its contribution to the health-related quality of life of ambulatory individuals with chronic stroke. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 8, 80.

Rand, D., Eng, J., Liu-Ambrose T., Tawashy, A. (2010). Feasibility of a 6-month exercise and recreation program to improve executive functioning and memory of individuals with chronic stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 24, 722 – 772. 

Weiss, P.L, Sveistrup, H., Rand, D., & Kizony R. (2009). Video capture virtual reality: A decade of rehabilitation assessment and intervention. Phys Ther Rev, 14, 307-321.

Rand, D., Weiss, P.L., & Katz, N. (2009). Training Multitasking in a Virtual Supermarket: A Novel Intervention After Stroke. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63, 535–542.

Rand, D., Katz, N., Weiss, P.L. (2009). Intervention using the VMall for improving motor and functional ability of the upper extremity in post stroke participants. European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 45, 113-21.

Rand, D., Eng, J., Tang, F., Jeng, J., Hung, C. (2009). How active are people with stroke? Use of accelerometers to assess physical activity. Stroke, 40, 163-168.

Rand, D. Kizony, R., & Weiss, P.L. (2008). The Sony PlayStation II EyeToy: Low-cost virtual reality for use in rehabilitation. Journal of Neurological Physical Therapy, 32, 155-163.

Rand, D., Basha-Abu Rukan, S., Weiss, P.L., & Katz, N. (2008). Validation of the VMall as an assessment tool for executive functions. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 5, 1-20.

Kizony R., Josman, N.,  Katz, N., Rand, D., & Weiss, P.L. (2008). Virtual reality and the rehabilitation of executive functions: Annotated bibliography. The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 17, E47-E61.

Pinchkevsky, O., Ben-Shabat, M., Shameli, M., & Rand, D. (2007). The differences in hand functioning of two age groups in a healthy Israeli population. The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 16, H23 – H29.

Rand, D., Katz, N.,  & Weiss, P.L. (2007). Evaluation of Virtual shopping in the VMall: Comparison of post-stroke participants to healthy control groups. Disability and Rehabilitation, 29, 1710 – 1719.

Kizony R., Weiss, P.L., Shahar, M., & Rand, D. (2006). TheraGame – a Home Based VR rehabilitation System. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 5, 265-269.

Feintuch, U., Raz, L., Hwang, J., Josman, N., Katz, N., Kizony, R., Rand, D., Rizzo, A.A., Shahar, M., Yongseok, J., & Weiss, P.L. (2006). Integrating haptic-tactile feedback into a video-capture-based virtual environment for rehabilitation. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 9, 129-132.

Rand, D., Katz, N., Shahar, M., Kizony, R.,  Weiss, P.L. (2005). The virtual mall: A functional virtual environment for stroke rehabilitation. Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine: A decade of VR, 3,193-198.

Brown-Robin, H., Rand, D., Kizony, R., Weiss, P.L. (2005). Effect of movement constraint within virtual environments. The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 14, E43-E57.

Weiss, P.L., Rand, D., Katz, N., & Kizony, R. (2005). Video capture virtual reality as a flexible and effective rehabilitation tool. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 1, 1-12.

Rand, D., Kizony, R., Feintuch, U., Katz, N., Josman, N., Rizzo, A.A., Weiss, P.L. (2005).  Comparison of two VR platforms for rehabilitation: Video capture versus HMD. Presence, Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14, 147-160.

Rand, D., Gottlieb, D., & Weiss, P.L. (2001). Recovery of patients with a combined motor and proprioception deficit during the first six weeks of post-acute rehabilitation. Physical and Occupational Therapy in geriatrics, 18, 69-87.

Ittah, E., Rand, D., & Gottlieb, D. (2000). A follow up of the affected upper extremity of stroke patients discharged from rehabilitation using a wheeled walker. Physical and Occupational Therapy in geriatrics, 18, 39-49.

Rand, D., Weiss, P.L., Gottlieb, D. (1999). Does proprioceptive loss influence recovery of the upper extremity after stroke? Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 13, 15-21.

Kizony, R., Rand, D., Merrill, N., Yaron-Muskatal, A., Mizrahi, A., Kuzy, S., & Shenkar, O. (1998). Standards of The Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination (COGNISTAT) in Israel, according to age groups.  The Israeli Journal for Occupational Therapy, 2, H65 – H80.

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