Dr. Oren Asman

Department of Nursing sciences
חוג למדעי האחיות כללי סגל אקדמי בכיר

Short Bio of Dr. Oren Asman

Dr. Oren Asman is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Nursing, School of Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine and a researcher in the Sagol School of Neuroscience in Tel Aviv University.  His LLB and LLM were obtained in Haifa University Faculty of Law and his LLD is from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

He is a lawyer, Bioethics consultant and chairs District Psychiatric Committees (a statutory tribunal discussing involuntary hospitalization) in Israel. He also serves as a chari of a hospital ethics committee. 

Dr. Asman was a Visiting Scholar at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics (Philosophy, Georgetown), the Harvard Project on Disability (Harvard Law School), and Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. He has received several research grants in the United States, Germany and Israel.  He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Medicine and Law (in Hebrew) and serves as a reviewer for journals in the sphere of law, medicine, and nursing.

In 2015, Dr. Asman joined the Department of Nursing in Tel Aviv University. Since 2018 he serves as Executive Director of the Bioethics and Law Center (in progress) at the Faculty of Medicine in Tel Aviv University.

Dr. Asman chaired the scientific program of the World Congress of Medical Law and Bioethics, as a collaborative effort of the Bioethics and Law Center and the World Association for Medical Law (where he served as Vice President 2012-2018).  He was nominated as a Professor at the Department of Medical Law in the First Moscow Medical State University of Sechenov (2018-2019). 

Dr. Asman presented over 120 papers at international conferences in more than 20 countries and states. He was a visiting lecturer for Bioethics at the MCI Business School in Insbruck, Austria; on Ethical aspects of domestic violence at the Medical Faculty of the Andes University, Cusoco, Peru. He presented his work on Ethics in Forensic Medicine at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Gerogetown Uni, on Ethical decision making and Islamic Bioethics at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, and on various other topics at the Harvard Program in Psychiatry and the Law, as well as at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and at the International Law Program in Macau University School of Law. 


CURRICULUM VITAE of Dr. Oren Asman,  LLD, Adv.

Faculty: School of Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing Department

Tel: +972 36408488

Email*: asman@tauex.tau.ac.il     


Haifa University, Haifa, Israel                                 1998-2002

Degree:   LLB                                             Date Awarded: 21.11.2002

Haifa District Court, Haifa,    2002-2003

Professional License:   Lawyer                 Date Awarded: 4.6.2003

Haifa University, Haifa, Israel                                 2002-2004

Degree:   LLM                                               Date Awarded: November 2004

Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel                2005-2012

Subject: Abortion in Islamic Law

Degree:   LLD                                              

Title of Doctoral Dissertation: Mental Aspects of Legal Competency in Civil Courts and in Shari'a and Rabbinical Courts in Israel

Date Awarded: 9.9.2012

further studies

UNESCO European Centre for Higher            Ethics Teachers                  3010/-3/11
Education (CEPES), Bucharest, Romania        Training Course                  2006

Israeli Bar Association                                            Shari’a Law                            10-12/2007

Israeli Bar Association                                            Mediation training               2-6/2008

Israeli bar association                                              Medicine and law                 2-3/2016

Israeli Bar Association and the                            Legal Competence               7/2017
Israeli Ministry of Justice                                       & Guardianship

further studies as a visiting scholar

Harvard Uni., Cambridge, USA                              Disability Law                   8-9/2013
Georgetown Uni., Washington DC, USA               Forensic Ethics               10/2013

Johns Hopkins Uni., Baltimore, USA                     Nursing Ethics                  7-8/2016

C2. Professional Experience

  • Chairperson of District Psychiatric Review Committees (appointment by the Minister of Health, upon recommendation of the minister of justice on April 15, 2018).
  • coDirector of the Bioethics and Law Center, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University (beginning March 2018).
  • Legal and Bioethics Lecturer and Consultant to health care professionals and institutions in private and public sectors.
  • Director of  “The Patients’ rights clinic”, together with Zefat Academic College, Ziv Health Care Center and The Technicon Medical School Ethics forum 2012-2014.
  • Consultant to the WHO (World Health Organization) on Interprofessional Collaboration and Education and Global Health 2009-2010.  

Active Participation In Scientific Meetings

* More than 130 professional presentations in local and international scientific meetings (2003-2019).


Research interests

Bioethics, Healthcare policy, Ethics of the health professions, Ethics and law in nursing, ethics and law in mental health


Articles Published

  1. Asman O. Abortion in Islamic Countries – Legal and Religious Aspects.
    Medicine and Law. 2004, 23, 73-89.
  2. Asman O. Qur'anic healing for spiritual ailments: Between tradition, religious law and contemporary law..
    Medicine and Law. 2008, 27, 259-284.
  3. Birger M, Bergman- Levy T & Asman O. Treatment of Sex Offenders in Israeli Prison Settings.
     Journal of The American Academy of Psychiatry and Law. 2011, 39(1), 100-103.
  4. Margolin J, Asman O, Mester  R & Kalian M. Procedural Immunity of the District Psychiatrists and Members of the District Psychiatric Committees against Civil Wrongs Claims in Israel.
    Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences.. 2012, 49(2), 128-132.
  5. Asman  O. Religious Influences on Health Law in Israel – Wonders about the Future  (In Hebrew).
    Refua'h Umishpat 2013.Special Edition, 47-57.
  6.  Bergman-Levy T*, Asman O*, Dahan E, Greenberg B, Hirshmann S & Strous R. Specific ethical codes for mental health care professionals –Do we need to annotate.  (* Co-first authors)
    Israeli Medical Association Journal. 2016,18(8), 454-460.
  7. Asman O & Barilan YM. The Songs of the sirens and the wax in the ears – An autonomy-based tool for DBS device users.
    American Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience. 2017, 8(2), 120-122.
  8. Barilan YM & Asman O. Research Ethics, Military Medical Ethics and the Challenges of International Law.
    American Journal of Bioethics. 2017, 17(10), 54-56 
  9. Asman O, Tabak N, Professional Standards Expected of Nurses from an Israeli Legal Perspective.
    Medicine and Law. 2017. 36(4) 53-72. 
  10. Asman O, Bergman-Levy T, Greenberg B & Strauss R. Psychiatrists’ Media Involvement: A survey of attitudes.
    Israeli Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences  2018. 55(2) 46-51.
  11. Asman O, Barnoy S, Menlinkov S, Experiences, behaviors, and perceptions of registered nurses regarding research ethics and misconduct
    Nursing Ethics. 2019, 26(3), 859-869 
  12. Asman O, Slutsker E., & Melnikov S.  Nurses’ perceptions of pain management adequacy in mechanically ventilated patientsJournal of Clinical Nursing  (First Online: 23 April 2019)  
  13. Gold A., Greenberg B., Strous R., Asman O., When Do Caregivers Ignore the Veil of Ignorance?  An empirical Study on Medical Triage Decision-Making, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy  (First Online, 4th January 2021), DOI: 10.1007/s11019-020-09992-x
  14. Asman O., Kagan I & Itzhaki M., Nursing Students' Experiences and Perceptions of an Anatomy Laboratory Session: A Mixed Methods StudyAnatomical Sciences Education (First online, 21 May, 2021).
  15. Wilf-Miron R., Ziv A., Murad H, Rubin C., Valinsky L., Asman O., Tabak N., Kagan I. Effect of ethnicity, country of origin and workplace on health behaviors and health perception among nurses: cross-sectional study Journal of Nursing Scholarship. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12759  
  16.  Asman O., Zelkovitz I., Legal Competence in Sharīʿa courts in Israel - between state law, Sharīʿa, and the perception of the role of the courts Israel Affairs. (2023)
  17.  Asman  O., Mark M., Raz D., תורת המשפט הטיפולי  וחשיבות הטמעתה בעבודת הוועדות הפסיכיאטריות המחוזיות , The Value of Therapeutic Jurisprudence in the Work of the District Psychiatric Committees (In Hebrew). "Refua'h Umishpat". VOL 53 (2023)
  18. Asman O., Margolin J., Wieztum E., השלכות אתיות ומשפטיות של יחס מקומם כלפי מטופלים בבריאות הנפש The Ethical and Legal Implications of Outrageous Behavior Toward Mental Health Patients (In Hebrew), “Sihot” – An Israeli Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 37(1) 71-75 (2022).
  19. Joury S. Asman O., Gold A, Caregivers’ perceptions of compulsory treatment of physical illness in involuntarily psychiatric hospitalization. Nursing Ethics .  (First published online January 30, 2023) https://doi.org/10.1177/0969733022114049
  20. Asman O., Tal A., Barilan YM. Conversational Artificial Intelligence - Patient Alliance Turing Test and the Search for Authenticity
    American Journal of Bioethics,  Vol. 23(5) 62-64, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1080/15265161.2023.2191046  
  21. Asman O., Segal-Reich M. Supported Decision Making “Adaptive Suit” for Non-Dominating Mental Scaffolding.  American Journal of Bioethics-Neuroscience 14(3) 238-240, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1080/21507740.2023.2243878 
  22. Tal A., Elyoseph Z., Haber, Y., Angert, T., Gur, T., Simon, T., Asman O., The Artificial Third: Utilizing ChatGPT in Mental Health  American Journal of Bioethics 23(10) 74-77, 2023 (DOI:10.1080/15265161.2023.2250297)   


  1. Asman O. The Moral Status of the Fetus and Abortion -  References from the Islamic Law.  
    in The Right to live undamaged (ed. Jonathan Davies and Abraham Sahar, 2007) (Second Section – Religion and Morals) p, 141-160 (in Hebrew) (Citations in 2 Israeli district court decisions, according to Nevo)
  2. Mester R & Asman O, "Hypothetical legal questions and the psychiatric expert", in Legal and Forensic Medicine (Ed.:Roy Beran, Springer Academic Publishing House, 2013), 797-803.
  3. Asman O & Bergman-Levy T. Communication as a Risk Management Tool for Psychiatry.
    in Legal and Forensic Medicine (Ed.:Roy Beran, Springer Academic Publishing House, 2013) 831-841.
  4. Asman O. Religion, Bioethics and Health Law in Israel.
    in Health Law – A book in honor of Prof. Guilherme de Oliveira, Vol I (Centro Direito Biomedico, Portugal, 2016) 107-130.      
  5. Asman O & Barilan YM. A Solidarity-Based Framework for Ethical Clinical Research in CBRNE Crises.
    in Ethics and Law for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear & Explosive Crises  (Editors: Dónal P. O'Mathúna & Iñigo de Miguel Beriain, The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology, Volume 20, Springer Academic Publishing, 2019) 135-145. (First Online: 26 April 2019)
  6. Asman O & Barilan YM. End-of-Life Medical Decisions in Israeli Law – How Jewish Law presents itself Between a Principlist and a Situationist Medico-Legal Approach )Editor: Nathan Emmerich, Pierre Mallia, Bert Gordijn, Francesca Pistoia), 'Contemporary European Perspectives on the Ethics of End of Life Care’, Philosophy and Medicine vol. 136 (Springer Academic Publishing, 2020) 105-115. 


  1. Asman O, Money and Justice in the Courtroom, ETICA & DIRITTO, Il danno alle Finanze pubbliche: profili amministrativi e penali, Saint Vincent, Aosta Valley, Italy (October 2009).
  2. Asman O, Risk Management for Social and Health Professionals, ETICA & DIRITTO, Il danno alle Finanze pubbliche: profili amministrativi e penali, Saint Vincent, Aosta Valley, Italy (October 2009).


  1. Asman O. Legal and ethical aspects of treating the mentally ill in a Muslim society – Between psychiatry and traditional healing
    acta esp psiquiatr 34 (Num Extraordinario 1) 102-103 (2006(.
  2. Asman O. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Treating the Mentally Ill in a Muslim Society –Between Psychiatry and Traditional Healing
    Journale de Medecine Legale, Droit Medical, Victimologie, Dommage Corporel  49(2-3) 87-88 (2006).
  3. Asman O. Suicide as a "work related damage" according to the Israeli national Insurance act
    Israeli Journal of Psychiatry and related sciences 46(1) (Supplement)  36-37  (2009)   
  4. Asman O. Stalking and the Law – an Israeli Legal System Based Analysis. European Psychiatry 30 (Supplement 1) 160 (2015(
  5. Asman O, Weinberg S & Miller H. Managing Defamatory and Slanderous Publications Aimed at Health Care Professionals
    Medicine and Law  35(2) 300 (2016).
  6. Asman O, Liberty A.The Involved/Engaged Patient in the Eyes of the Reasonable Physician.
    Medicine and Law  35(2) 201 (2016).
  7. Asman O, Liberty A. A Reflection on The Tel Aviv University Nursing Department’s Experience In Nursing Ethics Education
    Medicine and Law  36(2) 224 (2017).
  8. Asman O, Medical Law and Bioethics - Connecting the Dots Internationally
    Medicine and Law  37(2)(II),  2-3 (2018).



  1. Asman O & Peled-Raz M. Letters to the Editor: The Legal System's Intervention in Psychiatric Treatment.
    Harefua'a 145 (January 2006) (in Hebrew) 71-72.   
  2. Asman O and Mester R. Activity Report: The Department for Mental Health, Law and Ethics.
    Refua'a U'mishpat 38 (June 2008) 237-238 (in Hebrew).  
  3. Asman O and Mester R. Activity Report for 2008: The Department for Mental Health, Law and Ethics.
    Refua'a U'mishpat 39 (December 2008)  263-265 (in Hebrew).  
  4. Asman O. Interprofessional Collaboration and Education in Health Care – An Ongoing Project.
    World Association for Medical Law Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 2 (2010) p. 6-8
  5. Asman O, Shapira C, Ben Sasson N & Shaham D. Special Educational Projects for Law and Medical  Students in Israel – Promoting Interdisciplinary Interactions to Widen the Ethical  perspective  and Interprofessional Collaboration and Education.
    World Association for Medical Law Newsletter Volume 3 Issue 3 (2011) p. 10-12.
  6. Asman O. Article Commentary: Principles and issues in Psychological Assessment of Parental Capacity in Arab-Muslim society in Israel.
    Refua'h Umishpat  46 (July 2012) 216-217 (in Hebrew)  
  7. Asman O. WAML Education Committee Formed.
    World Association for Medical Law Newsletter Volume 4 Issue 13  pp. 15 ( July 2012, published also in Spanish). 
  8. Asman O. Report from the WAML Education Committee.
    World Association for Medical Law Newsletter Vol 4 Iss 14 pp. 7-8 (September 2012, published also in Portuguese).
  9. Asman O. UNESCO Conference on Bioethics, Kinar ,Israel, September 2-5. 2012.
     World Association for Medical Law Newsletter Vol 4 Iss 15 pp.11 (December 2012, Published also in Spanish).
  10. Asman O. The World Association for Medical Law.
    Bioethics Newsletter of Zefat Bioethics Forum Vol. 1, (June 2013) (In Hebrew)
  11. Asman O, Report of the WAML Education Committee.
     World Association for Medical Law Newsletter Vol 4 Iss 17 pp. 8-9 (April-June 2013).
  12. Bergman-Levy T& Asman O. Educational Initiatives in Forensic Psychiatry in Israel.
    World Association for Medical Law Newsletter Volume 4 Issue 17 (April-June 2013) 3-4.   
  13. Asman O. Interview with Advocate Lisa Sekaggya, UN Human Rights Officer regarding health, human rights advocacy and a UN legal career.
    Bioethics Newsletter of Zefat Bioethics Forum Vol. 3 (October 2013) (In Hebrew)
  14. Asman O. The Kennedy Institute of Ethics.
    Bioethics Newsletter of Zefat Bioethics Forum Vol. 5, February 2014) (In Hebrew)
  15. Asman O. American College of Legal Medicine
    Bioethics Newsletter of Zefat Bioethics Forum Vol. 6, April 2014) (In Hebrew)
  16. Asman O. Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.
    Bioethics Newsletter of Zefat Bioethics Forum Vol. 7, June 2014) (In Hebrew)
  17.  Asman O. Ethics Forum – Technion Medical School.
    Bioethics Newsletter of Zefat Bioethics Forum Vol. 8 (September 2014) (In Hebrew).
  18. Asman O. Some impressions from a professional (and also - a very personal) visit in Peru.
    World Association for Medical Law Newsletter Volume 5 Issue 22 (July-September 2014) 9-10.
  19. Rispler-Chaim V & Asman O. Islamic Bioethics - A Report on the 4th International Islam and Bioethics August 5-6 2015.
    World Association for Medical Law Newsletter Volume 5 Issue 22 (September-December 2015) 9-10.
  20. Asman O. WAML Educational Activities – Reaching Out Through the WebWorld Association for Medical Law Newsletter Iss 30  pp. 18 (September-October 2016).
  21. Asman O, Editorial : Building The Scientific Program For The 24th World Congress On Medical Law And Bioethics, Tel Aviv 2-6 September, 2018,
    Medicine and Law  37(2)(II),  I-II (2018).
  22. Elyoseph, Z., Hadar-Shoval, D., Angert, T., Yitshaki, N., Hol. E., Asman, O., Levkovitch, I., Mental health volunteers after the October 7 Gaza border crisis in Israel: silent warriors, Lancet Psychiatry  2023

Member of Editorial Board/ Reviewer (International Journals)

  1. 2017,2019,2021 Nursing Ethics (Reviewer)
  2. 2020,2021 Genetics in Medicine (Reviewer)
  3. 2021 European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics (Reviewer) 
  4. 2021 Frontiers in Genetics (Editorial Board)
  5. 2018,2020 Death Studies (Reviewer)
  6. 2018 Nurse Education Today (Reviewer)
  7. 2017 International Journal of Medicine and Law (Reviewer) 
  8. 2011 Israeli Journal of Psychiatry and related sciences (Reviewer) 

Member of Editorial Board/ Reviewer (National Journals)

  • 2014-2017 Refua'h Umishpat (Israeli Society of Medicine and Law) (Editorial Board)
  • 2015 Mishpatim Law Journal (Reviewer)


Links to interviews with Experts in Health, Law and Ethics, held by Dr. Oren Asman

English Video Interviews (recorded 2015)

  1. Ageing and Health Law (An interview with Prof. Israel Doron)
  2. 4th International Conference on Islamic Bioethics (An interview with Prof. Rispler-Chaim).

English Radio Interviews, The online program “Health, Ethics and Law” (recorded 2010)

  1. Occupational Medicine and the Law (An interview with Prof. Mohammed Ranavaya, MD, JD, MS)
  2. Religious and Cultural Aspects of Medical Ethics (An interview with Dr. Alison Shaw, BA, DPhil)
  3. Ethics Committees and Religious affiliations (An interview with Terry R. Bard, D.D)
  4. Health Law and transparency (An interview with Jessica Scott, MD, JD)
  5. Malpractice litigation in the US (An interview with Lee Goldsmith, MD, LLB)
  6. Medical Ethics and Malpractice (An interview with Alan Hoffman, JD)
  7. Forensic Pathology and High Profile Cases (An interview with Thomas T. Noguchi, MD)
  8. Islamic Bioethics (An Interview with Prof. Abdel Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim)
  9. Addiction Law (An Interview with Lance Gooberman, MD, JD)
  10. Practical Medical Ethics Issues (An Interview with Monique Anawis, MD, JD)
  11. Expert Witnesses - A perspective of an MD (An Interview with Cyril Wecht, MD)
  12. Legal Medicine and the Society (An Interview with Sandy Sanbar, MD, PhD, JD)
  13. Mental Disability Law (An Interview with Prof. Michael Perlin)
  14. Health, Ethics and Law - on Health Care System Reform (An Interview with John Conomy, MD)
  15. Informed Consent, Psychopharmacology and Ethics in Therapy (An Interview with Lisa Cosgrove, PhD)
  16. Error in Medicine, patient safety (An Interview with Richard Wilbur, MD)
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