Congratulations to Seven Researchers and Faculty Members on Receiving BSF Grants!

Grant Winners

20 August 2024
Congratulations to Seven Researchers and Faculty Members on Receiving BSF Grants!

Congratulations to the seven researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences who have received a grant from the esteemed US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF).

BSF grants foster scientific collaboration between the US and Israel by funding joint research projects.

These grants are awarded through a competitive process, peer review, and based on exceptional scientific talent and direct collaboration between American and Israeli researchers.



Awarded the grant:

  • Prof. Uri Ben-David
  • Dr. Yaara Oren
  • Prof. Eran Perlson
  • Yonatan Haitin Rubinstein
  • Prof. Ronit Satchi-Fainaro
  • Prof. Ariel Munitz
  • Prof. Yftach Gepner


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