Moshe Giladi awarded 2024 Senta Foulkes Research Prize


The 2024 Senta Foulkes Research Prize has been awarded to Dr. Moshe Giladi.

The Senta Foulkes Research Prize is awarded every three years to Fellows of the Israeli branch of the Foulkes Foundation, in recognition of excellence in their research and academic achievements since completing the term of their Fellowship grant.

Dr. Giladi's research aims to elucidate the structure-function relations underlying the activity of enzymes with a specific interest in enzymes involved in human diseases.

As a physician-researcher, he uses cutting-edge molecular methods from the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry and  biophysics to address basic mechanisms governing enzymatic activity in health and disease at the molecular level. His long-term translational goal is to develop novel treatment approaches through rationally designed drugs, with high-throughput in vitro and in silico drug screening campaigns.

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