The Historical and Prehistorical Genetics lab at TAU: Plans, hopes and challenges

A seminar of the Department of Human molecular Genetics and Biochemistry


18 October 2021, 15:00 
Tel Aviv 
The Historical and Prehistorical Genetics lab at TAU: Plans, hopes and challenges

The Department of Human molecular Genetics and Biochemistry Sackler Faculty of Medicine

invites you to a seminar

Monday, October 18,  at 15:00 PM


The Historical and Prehistorical Genetics lab at TAU: Plans, hopes and challenges




Dr. Viviane Slon


Departments of Anatomy and Anthropology and Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry at our Faculty, and the Dan David Center for Human Evolution and Biohistory Research at TAU




The Seminar will take place on:

Monday, October 18,  at 15:00 PM,

At Meerbaum Hall, Sackler Faculty of Medicine Building




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