Body Donation

Procedure for the reception and transfer of a body which has been bequeathed

A person who wishes to donate his/her body for the purposes of furthering medical knowledge and research, must be over 50 years old and live in central Israel.


They can apply to:

Department of Anatomy and Anthropology

School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University 

Tel Aviv 69978

Tel. 03-6409866, 03-6409851, 03-6409479

Fax: 03-6408287. Email:


A suitable applicant will be sent the appropriate form (three copies), to be filled out and signed in the presence of two witnesses and returned to the Department.


It is possible to bequeath a body only after the above-mentioned form has been completed and the donation has been approved by Tel Aviv University, Dept. of Anatomy & Anthropology. The original of the form is to be retained by the applicant or his or her family, and the other 2 copies should be returned to the Department of Anatomy and Anthropology.


A family relative or close friend of the donor, chosen by him/her, and identified on the form, should be made aware of the donor’s wish to bequeath his/her body to science. This person’s personal details must be given on the form. It is suggested that the bequest form be attached to the donor’s identity card, or be kept in an accessible place in the donor’s home, known to this person.


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