Organs-on-a-Chip Symposium
Keynote speaker Prof. Albert van den Berg
March 19, 2019
08:30 Registration Opens
09:10-10:30 Session I: Cancer and Metabolism
Chair: Koby Nahmias
09:10 Maria Khoury (Nati Korin lab, Technion)
Microfluidics for designing cardiovascular nano-medicines
09:30 Prof. Mahmud Huleihel (BGU)
The use of 3-dimension systems to induce the development of spermatogenesis in vitro
09:50 Dr. Ofra Benny (HUJI)
Towards drug delivery and tumor-on-chip
10:10 Dr. Muneef Ayyash (Koby Nahmias lab, HUJI)
Next generation of organ-on-chip / Smart micro-physiological flux analyzer
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:00 Session II: Vasculature
Chair: Ofra Benny
11:00 Dr. Gad Vatine (BGU)
Organ-Chip and patient specific iPSCs-based BBB platform can predict inter-individual differences
11:20 Dr. Ben Maoz (TAU)
Organs-On-a-Chip: A new tool for the study of human physiology
11:40 Prof. Shulamit Levenberg (Technion)
Microfluidics device for rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing
12:00-12:45 Lunch break
12:45-14:30 Session III: Technologies
Chair: Josue Sznitman
12:45 Plenary Talk
Prof. Albert Van den Berg (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
From Lab on Chip to Organ on Chip
13:30 Prof. Esti Meyron Holtz (Technion)
Development of a three dimensional gut platform from human cell-lines to study the effects of complex foods and intestinal inflammatory processes in vitro
13:50 Dr. Joshua Owen (HISENTS team at Leeds)
High-throughput electrochemical sensing platform for screening biomembrane interactions
14:10 Dr. Arbel Artzy-Schnirman (Josue Sznitman lab, Technion)
Advanced airway-on-chip platforms: Bridging in vivo and in vitro pulmonary interfaces
14:30-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-16:15 Session IV: Lab-on-Chip
Chair: Shulamit Levenberg
15:00 Prof. Gilad Yossifon (Technion)
Electrokinetics based lab-on-a-chip/particle platforms
15:20 Prof. Doron Gerber (BIU)
An integrated microfluidic array approach for personalized cancer drug sensitivity and resistance assay
15:40 Dr. Hadar Ben Yoav (BGU)
Intelligent multi-electrode arrays for in situ analysis of biomolecules
16:00 Tatyana Kuperman (David Elad lab, TAU)
Tissue-engineered endometrial barrier for mechanobiology studies
16:15- Concluding remarks