Yaniv Ziv - Stability and dynamics of hippocampal neural codes for long-term memory

02 June 2021, 13:00 
Yaniv Ziv - Stability and dynamics of hippocampal neural codes for long-term memory

You are cordially invited to a seminar of the Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology Sackler Faculty of Medicine


Yaniv Ziv

Neurobiology, Weizmann


Stability and dynamics of hippocampal neural codes for long-term memory


Wednesday, June 2, 2021 | 13:00


Here is the zoom link:






A prevailing notion in memory research is that the persistence of a given memory depends on the stability of its coding by the neurons that were active during learning. Recent studies revealed that hippocampal place codes gradually change over time, even in unchanged familiar environments, calling into question the notion that stable neural codes underlie stable memories. I will present results from experiments in which we used optical imaging to longitudinally study hippocampal neural codes for long-term spatial memory. Our results suggest that spatial memory content is reliably preserved over weeks without relying on the long-term stability of hippocampal representations. I will discuss how these surprising findings relate to current theories in memory research.


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