Aging - where will we be in 2030?

15 June 2022, 10:00 
The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History 
Aging - where will we be in 2030?


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June 15, 2022

Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University

10:00-14:00, including a light lunch


Aging - where will we be in 2030?


2030 is a mere 8 years away, and it seems we are not prepared for what the short- and long-term future holds. We will hear from experts in the field about what’s in store for us, the situation today, and how we should prepare for the future. Trainees supported by the Healthy Longevity Research Center will share their research projects with us.




Prof. Eli Mizrahi, Director General, Shmuel Harofeh Geriatric Medical Center & Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. How we prepare for the tsunami wave in 2030


Dr. Avraham Ashkenazi, Department of Cell & Developmental Biology, Faculty of Medicine & Sagol School of Neuroscience: Can self-digestion delay aging and age-related diseases?


Dr. Lilach Luria, Department of Labor Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University: Pension, retirement and the ageing workforce


Dr. Violeta Rozani, Department of Nursing, School of Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University: Investigating the usability and effectiveness of a National Call Support Program for Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers


Prof. Jeffrey Hausdorff, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center & Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University & Sagol School of Neuroscience : Falls: Are they an inevitable, intractable consequence of aging?


Grant and Scholarship awardees will be announced!



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