A tale of four tales and more, by Prof. Eytan Ruppin

Computational Genomics Seminar

04 August 2021, 11:15 
Faculty of medicine 
 A tale of four tales and more, by Prof. Eytan Ruppin

Please note that Eytan Ruppin's talk venue was changed. It will be held via ZOOM only.

See details below:



You are cordially invited to a Computational Genomics Seminar




Prof. Eytan Ruppin

Chief, Cancer Data Science Lab, NCI, NIH



"A tale of four tales and more"


Wednesday August 4 at 11:15



Join us here: https://zoom.us/j/98088090316?pwd=UVd4OXlwTUsyVGVTSTFBaU9TSUIzUT09



Abstract: This presentation will cover a few ongoing research projects in my lab, including (1) a new approach for Single cell based precision oncology, (2) research aimed at a better understanding of the evolution of a frequent chromosomal co-aneuploidy event in brain tumors,  (3) uncovering determinants of sex bias in cancer risk and autoimmune disorders and finally, (4) the prediction and testing of new anti COVID-19 drug targets. As time permits, I will provide a brief overview of new tools we recently developed, for deconvolving tumor expression (CODEFACS, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.20.427515v2), for detecting cell type-specific bacteria (CSI-MIcrobes, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.14.096230v2) and for optimizing receptor mediated treatment combinations (MadHitter, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.28.923532v3).    



Host:  Prof. Ron Shamir, School of Computer Science, TAU


*Participants are required to follow the pandemic guidelines and in particular to wear masks.

Room 100, Sackler School of Medicine



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