The Israeli Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ISGCT)

2019 meeting

07 October 2019, 9:00 - 17:00 
Tel Aviv University 
2019 Meeting of the Israeli Society of Gene and Cell Therapy


2019 meeting of the Israeli Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ISGCT 2019),  Tel Aviv University, October 7th, 2019.


Gene and Cell therapy are finally taking center stage in global health. No longer a futuristic dream of the hopeful few but rather a true revolutionary reality, with several drugs already on the market and hundreds of advanced clinical trials. We can proudly reflect on the important role of Israeli researchers in the rising of the field, with seminal contributions to stem cell research, T cell engineering, genome editing, liver gene therapy and so much more.


Remaining challenges are nevertheless formidable. How can we improve delivery and prolong the effect? How can we increase therapeutic potency while providing safety? How can we devise new remedies for the yet incurable devastating human ailments, and do so in a scalable and affordable manner?


In the upcoming 2019 ISGCT meeting, we our privileged to host Professor Luigi Naldini, Director of the San-Raffaele institute, a pioneer and a leader of gene and cell therapy. We are also most excited by the impressive list of speakers from the Israeli academia, clinic and industry, destined to make this event a great kick-off for our rejuvenating society. Please do join us at the 2019 ISGCT meeting,


Visit website for information on guest speakers, registration and more.


Adi Barzel, PhD, Tel Aviv University,
President of Israeli Society of Gene and Cell Therapy


Organizing Committee

Adi Barzel and Dinorah Friedmann-Morvinski

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