The Youdim Family prize for excellence in cancer research
Lecture by Youdim prize awardee Ronit Satchi-Fainaro
The Youdim Family Prize for Excellence in Cancer Research
7th Scientific Conference
27/6/2021 Sunday @ 14:30-16:00
Register to attend
Moderator: lrit Ben-Ahat0n MO. PhD. Director, OiviSiOn of Oncology, Joseph Fishman Oncology Center. Rambam Health Care Campus
Michael (Miki) Halberthal MO, MHA
Director General Rambarn Health Care Campus
Rafi Beyar, MD, DSc, MPH
President, lnternatlonal Friends Associations,
Rambam Health Care Campus
Moussa B.H. Youdim, PhD
President and Chief SclenUfic Officer
Yoodlm Pharmaceuticals Ltd
The Youdim Prize Awardee
Ronit Satchi-Fainaro, PhD
Designing precision nanomedicines to diagnose, excise, and treat cancer in three dimensions
Head. Cancer Research and Nanomedlclne Laboratory
Kurt and Herman llon Chair In Nanosctences and Nanole<hnologtes Director, Cancer Biology Research Center
Departmenl of Physiology and Pharmacology,
Sackler Faculty of Medicine
Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University