Driving computational health research towards impact

21 April 2021, 16:00 
Driving computational health research towards impact

Online Salon Meeting:


You are cordially invited to the Edmond J. Safra Biomedical Informatics Entrepreneurs Salon  

In collaboration with the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School and the BIES series



"Driving computational health research towards impact" 


Dr. Pini Akiva

CEO, KI – The Israeli Institute for Applied Research in Computational Health


Wednesday, 21 April 2021



16:00-16:30 Lecture

16:30-17:00 Q&A

Join us here  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82375804733?pwd=cTBzTkp5S1djMUlqTkdENDdhMmhVQT09


KI is an Israeli non-profit institute focused on computational health.

By applying big data methodologies to real-world clinical data,

their multidisciplinary team brings state-of-the-art research aimed at making discoveries for the benefit of all.


More details here


Organizing committee:

Prof. Noam Shomron, chair, TAU

Dr. Daphna Laifenfeld, IBEX

MS. Rina Shainski, Duality Technologies

Prof. Ron Shamir, TAU

Guy Shapira, TAU

Gilit Zohar-OrenTAU 



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