Investments in Life Sciences in the next decade: prospects and perils

Edmond J. Safra Center Biomedical Informatics Entrepreneurs Salon

23 February 2020, 16:00 - 17:45 
Tel Aviv University 
Investments in Life Sciences in the next decade: prospects and perils

Edmond J. Safra Center Biomedical Informatics Entrepreneurs Salon


In partnership with Harvard's Biomedical Informatics Entrepreneurs Salon


A bi-monthly forum to promote entrepreneurship at the convergence of biology, medicine, and computing. In addition to hearing industry leaders speak, participants will have the chance to look for collaborators, employees, advisors, customers, or investors.


Investments in Life Sciences in the next decade: prospects and perils



Yaron Breski, RM Global

Netalie Nadivi, Triventures

Irit Yaniv, Accelmed

Daniella Segal, Lamed Holdings


February 23, 2020

Jaglom Auditorium, The Senate Building, Tel Aviv University


16:00- 16:15 Gathering

16:15- 16:45 Panel Discussion

16:45- 17:15 Q&A

17:15- 17:45 Reception


Entrance is free but registration is required due to limited space. Register here.


Parking through gate 14, Tel Aviv University, code no. 1164073 must be mentioned.





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