Prof Amos Korczyn- The success and failure or GWAS in Alzheimer's disease

07 June 2021, 13:00 
Sackler Faculty room 120 and Zoom 
Prof Amos Korczyn- The success and failure or GWAS in Alzheimer's disease

You are cordially invited to a seminar of the Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry Sackler Faculty of Medicine


Monday, June 7, 13:00


The seminar will be given by: Prof Emeritus Amos D Korczyn  from the Department of Neurology, TAY


Topic: The success and failure of GWAS in Alzheimer's disease


The seminar will be held in room 120 and live on Zoom


Meeting ID: 836 1174 6227

Passcode: 039097


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