Workshop on sub movements: Do they exist, what are they useful for, and how to extract them?
Jason Friedman, Dept. Physical Therapy & Sagol School of Neuroscience
Biomed@TAU Motor Learning Hub presents:
Workshop on submovements: Do they exist, what are they useful for, and how to extract them?
Jason Friedman, Dept. Physical Therapy & Sagol School of Neuroscience
Complex human movements are often considered to be constructed from the combination of one or more submovements (or movement primitives). In this workshop, I will describe evidence for the existence of submovements, and review a number of studies that have used submovements, including in motor learning, rehabilitation, and for understanding perceptual decision-making processes.
Following the lecture, there will be a hands-on workshop (in Matlab / Python) where we will extract submovements from kinematic data recorded in previous experiments. In this part of the workshop, we will also discuss practical issues in extracting submovements and interpretation of parameters.
If you do not have a programming background, you are welcome to attend just the first part of the workshop (and stay for the second part too!).
The workshop will be held online via zoom as well as in-person in room 022, Medicine building on 13th June from 1400 to 1600.
If you are planning on attending, please fill out this extremely short form: