The Institute for International Scientific Exchanges in Medical Sciences (IISEMS)

The Institute for International Scientific Exchanges in Medical Sciences (IISEMS)

In 1999 Prof. Tony Uthoff, a distinguished ophthalmologist from Germany, donated a fund for the establishment of the Institute for International Scientific Exchanges in Medical The Sciences (IISEMS). The institute is part of the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.


Goals and Methods

The goal of the institute is to promote international exchanges of scientific and medical knowledge in Ophthalmology.


The IISEMS has several ongoing projects:

  1.  An annual meeting: Each meeting will have 1-3 international guest speakers, and the program will include Israeli speakers\moderators as well.
  2. An annual award: to be given to an outstanding research Ophthalmologist who is a member of the Ophthalmology Dept. in the Sackler Faculty of Medicine.
  3. Support selected national ophthalmology meetings in Israel by sponsoring international guest speakers.



Contact Us


Institute for International Scientific Exchanges in Medical Sciences (IISEMS)

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

Tel Aviv University 

P.O.B. 39040

Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978



Director of the Institute:

Prof. Dan Gaton




Telelephone: 03-6409095

Fax: 03-6050143


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