Combining careers – medicine, science and business Dr. Kathy A. Fields

05 June 2024, 13:00 
Combining careers – medicine, science and business

Lecture & interview with Dr. Kathy A. Fields


June 5, 2024, Wednesday ; 13:00-14:00
School of Medicine building, Shlezak Hall
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Tel Aviv University


PDF invitation


Join us to hear about Dr. Fields’ journey. Following a BSc in Neurobiological Chemistry from the University of Florida, she obtained her MD degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine.


She then completed a residency in dermatology at the Stanford University School of Medicine and opened a private practice.

A two-time unicorn, in the 90s she embarked on creating her own business, along with partner Katie Rodan. In 2018, Forbes listed her on its list of “America’s Self-Made Women”. Today, among many other activities, she serves on the Tel Aviv University Board of Governors.


Host: Prof. Karen Avraham


For more information, please contact Helen Berman,

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