Chemical storage

Typical storage considerations may include temperature, ignition control, ventilation, segregation and identification. Proper segregation is necessary to prevent incompatible materials from inadvertently coming into contact. A physical barrier and/or distance is effective for proper segregation

Chemical storage


The inherent hazards of chemicals can be reduced by minimizing the quantity of chemicals on hand. Proper storage and handling can reduce or eliminate associated risks


Guidelines for chemicals storage at Faculty of Medicine





Alphabetically inside lab


Flammable liquids

Yellow safety cabinets

Fireproofing vents to

Efficiently reduce the

Concentration of volatile




Secondary containment

“trays” to avoid leaking


Yellow cabinets can be

placed in the hallway



Small amounts of flammable liquids may be

stored in the open room


TAU allows storage of 5 liters of flammable

materials per 10 m2 lab area


Corrosive liquids

acids, basics

Blue safety cabinets


Corrosive acids segregated in different

shelves from corrosive basics


Secondary containment

“trays” to avoid leaking


Blue cabinets must be inside the lab







Flammable chemical yellow cabinet


​Corrosive (basic, acid) blue cabinet

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