Ph.D. Degree


Graduates with a Master's degree, a minimum cumulative grade of 80, and a Master's thesis grade of at least 85 may apply for studies leading to a Ph.D. Students who have completed their undergraduate studies with distinction may apply for the direct course of studies leading to a Ph.D.


The above are minimum requirements. Some schools have additional requirements:



Details on candidacy application process and registration forms are in Application Process and Resources



Applicants may submit a scholarship application to the Graduate School’s Scholarship Committee, subject to their chosen supervisor’s approval and participation. The Committee considers all scholarship applications after interviews are held and sends its decisions to the applicants and their respective supervisors.


New immigrant Ph.D. students have the possibility of obtaining a scholarship from the Ministry of Absorption. For more information please call the Office of Absorption at Tel Aviv University, phone number 03-6409989. 


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