The first lecture of the Third Medicine & Humanities Interdisciplinary Colloquium

03 November 2020, 10:00 
The Third Medicine & Humanities Interdisciplinary Colloquium

Autumn Semester 2020-2021


November 3, 2020 | 10:00-11:30


Dr. Boaz Barak (Tel Aviv University)

“Neuron-glia interaction, myelination and behavior: how are they all intertwined?”


Dr. Oren Bader (Heidelberg University)

“Intersubjectivity in mental disorders – a phenomenological investigation


Please note these lectures will be given in Hebrew


Organized by: Dr. Galit Wellner, Prof. Noam Shomron, Prof. Karen Avraham


For more information please contact


Dr. Galit Wellner:


Watch the recording


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