Collaborative Clinical Bioinformatics Research Kickoff Conference and Grants Call

09 December 2020, 10:00 
Collaborative Clinical Bioinformatics Research Kickoff Conference and Grants Call

We are excited to announce the First Virtual TAU Conference on Clinical Bioinformatics, covering collaborative research between the Edmond J. Safra Center for Bioinformatics and TAU-affiliated hospital-based MDs.


The conference will take place on Wednesday Dec. 9, 2020

10:00- 12:00 via Zoom


To further promote such collaborations, we are announcing a call for grants: Grants on Collaborative Clinical Bioinformatics Research

Deadline for submitting grant proposals is January 15, 2020. 


Grants and Conference Committee: Elhanan Borenstein (chair), Karen Avraham, Michael Lishner. 


For questions contact


Please read the PDF's below for full details.



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