TAU-EPFL Symposium on Developmental Biology organized by the Switzerland Institute of Developmental Biology
Taking place in person on the TAU campus and online via zoom
You are invited to attend the joint TAU-EPFL Symposium on Developmental Biology organized by the Switzerland Institute of Developmental Biology. The symposium will be held on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 in a hybrid form, both physically at the TAU campus and online via zoom. The meeting will bring together experts in developmental biology from Tel Aviv University and École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Switzerland.
See more details in the attached poster and schedule or click this link.
Location and time: The meeting will be held on June 30, 2021 between 10am-3pm Israel time in Sherman 03. Refreshments will be served during the lunch break (to be eligible please register for free!)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85631509860?pwd=bUR3U2I0cjdxZHhaT0x0dDF3TVRkZz09
Please join us for this exciting symposium!
David Sprinzak
Freddy Radtke
Limor Landsman
Yasmine Meroz
Chen Luxemburg
Omri Wurtzel