Application Process

Admittance Terms


Before applying, please make sure you are also fully acquainted to the following: 


During elective participation, it is required to: 

  • Be fully clinical matriculated overseas M.D. student.
  • Have a comprehensive understanding of spoken and written Hebrew or English.
  • Follow all guidelines for registration and enrollment. Failure to comply may result in a delay in admittance into the program. 


Filing applications according:

  • Application for 3 up to 8 weeks; in only one from at least 2 listed departments. (Exceptional for applicants that can do Elective in: Medicine Internal only).
  • Sometimes users who are registering to the Program with a Gmail account do not receive the confirmation Email.
  • For separate timeframe periods: you will need to create an application form with different log-in & password and it should be submitted between 60 days and 6 months in advance of an elective.


  • Changes to a submitted application can be made by the elective office only after receiving an Email from the applicant no more than 60 days in advance of an elective.


No electives during Friday, Saturday &  Israeli Holidays:





April 19-30

Israeli Independence vacation


May 10-14



May 11-15

Jewish New Year holidays

Sept. 22- Oct. 7

October 1-26










Applications will only be processed upon fulfillment the entire following procedure:


All required documents must be emailed to with clearly scanned PDF attachments between 60 days and 6 months prior to the elective. Only PDF format are accepted.



1. A printed submitted numbered application form from our online panel, 

A. signed & sealed by registered home school, (or attached an updated official home school English study status).        

B. handwritten signed by applicant.

2. Payment form according to  


Placement notice:  

We do our best to provide placements up to 40 days before an elective period, on the condition that an elective application fulfilled all requirements and was received by our office up to 4 months before an elective period begins. We cannot predict the placement notice confirmation period for applications submitted less than 4 months before the elective period begins.


It is only after our office grants official approval that a student can be accepted into the program and no changes can be made to his/her elective choice or period. Approval from departments does not signify that you have been accepted to the program.


We do not keep online copies & documents for applications past the first date of an elective that where not processed for acceptance to the program.

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