Internal Medicine

doctor with chart
During this clerkship, students acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for basic clinical care.
Internal Medicine

Internal medicine focuses on the diagnosis of disease and the basics of clinical medicine. With the deepening professionalization of the "super specialties", the unique skills of internal medicine are needed now more than ever: only the internal medicine staff can prepare medical students for correctly and intelligently performing the basic steps in patient care, such as carrying out a medical interview and a physical examination.


Due to the rising age of the population, patients may suffer from more than one disease and their condition therefore becomes increasingly complex. This complexity necessitates the integration of knowledge and decision-making that is unique in this field. Only doctors of internal medicine can embrace the complexity and treat the patient as a whole rather than as each of his separate conditions. There are also many diseases that continue to be the responsibility the internal medicine specialist. As the only discipline that teaches the basics of medicine, internal medicine leads many areas of clinical instruction in hospitals.


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