
Our students are exposed to a variety of diagnostic techniques and treatments for cardiovascular disease.
Cardiology Department

Cardiac disease remains a leading cause of death in the Western world and a challenge for both researchers and practitioners. The Department of Cardiology trains the next generation of physicians and researchers to understand the causes of heart disease and translate that knowledge to improved patient care. Our faculty and students dedicate themselves to finding better ways to diagnose, treat, and prevent cardiovascular disease.


The Department of Cardiology has a faculty of 55 members from seven affiliated hospital departments. We have a strong partnership with the The Leviev Heart Center at Sheba Medical Center, a multidisciplinary complex with state-of-the-art technology. Through these partnerships, our students are exposed to electrophysiology, catheterization, nuclear cardiology, and various other diagnostic and surgical techniques.


Research is a focal point of our Department. Students and young researchers investigate clinical questions within the hospital setting as well as conduct secondary prevention studies.  


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