Family Medicine
During the Family Medicine clerkship, the student sees patients together with a Family Medicine specialist and receives firsthand training in the principles of ambulatory care. Students will learn the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to provide comprehensive and preventive care to individuals and families from a broad spectrum of ages and cultures. This clerkship offers the student an opportunity to integrate their knowledge from different disciplines and to receive feedback from experienced physicians
We apply the bio-psychosocial model of care, which enables the student to understand how patient care and health are impacted by factors such as a family situation's and a patient's psychology. The teaching physician mentors the student in how to appropriately treat specific populations and in how to effectively work within a primary health care team. The student is expected to take an active role during this clerkship and may take part in home visits and patient interviews.
The summative assessment is comprised of two parts:
- Evaluation of clinical skills in the clinic
- Written presentation of a challenging family
Clerkships are organized within the six Family Medicine Departments of the HMOs.