Insurance and Immunizations

General information​

The Tel Aviv University Electives Program, all TAU's affiliated departments, clinical sites, social programs, dormitories, the TAU Medical Students’ Organization, as well as any other related persons or places are not responsible in any way for the health and safety of the Tel Aviv University Elective Program participants. This program neither provides nor offers medical care or insurance coverage of any kind to its participants. 

During attendance in this program, participants, who fail to provide the following required documentation to the Electives Program authorities persons or related places and fail to comply with all the following requirements: risk having their elective placement automatically cancelled without any compensation or refunds. 


Required documentation throughout an entire elective period:


  • Israeli residents must be in possession of personal insurance coverage with Bituah-Leumi, Kupat-Holim, & Personal Accidents.
  • Overseas residents must be in possession of personal health and accident insurance, including hospitalization coverage valid in Israel.
  • Malpractice insurance is not obligatory but recommended.


Advised Immunization by the Israeli Ministry of Health:

  • Everybody must have a personal record/ booklet of vaccinations.
  • Israeli residents can use a recent valid vaccination certificate:

  • Overseas residents must have a recent valid Home School’s original English Vaccinations Verification according to the following:


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