Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine

Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Imaging (OPOMI)

The department of Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Imaging is engaged in teaching, research and clinical services in oral pathology, oral medicine and maxillofacial imaging and oral diagnosis.

The department runs two postgraduate specialization programs in oral pathology and oral medicine, which are recognized by the scientific committee of the Israeli Dental Association and the Israeli Ministry of Health.

Teaching Activities

The teaching activity of the department of OPOMI includes dental students in both pre-clinical and clinical stages, as well as residents in the oral pathology and oral medicine speciality programs.

Clinical Services for the Public

The OPOMI department operates several dedicated clinics for the benefit of the school’s patients and the general public, offering diagnostic and treatment possibilities in various fields of oral medicine, as well as a biopsy service specializing in diagnosis of pathologies in the head and neck area.

Contact information for the oral medicine clinics

03-6409857, Sun-Thurs, 8:30-13:00, and for the oral pathology laboratory 03-6407907

Email: dento1@tauex.tau.ac.il, for the pathology lab: oralp@tauex.tau.ac.il

Head of Department: Prof. Ilana Kaplan, email: dr.ilanakaplan@gmail.com

Coordinator of Department: Dr. Ayelet Zlotogorski-Hurvitz, email: ayelet.zlotogorski@gmail.com


Post Graduate Specialization Programs for Dentists


The department of OPOMI runs post-graduate specialization programs for dentists with a permanent license. The program conforms with the regulations of the Ministry of Health and is approved by the scientific committee of the Israel Dental Association.

Post-graduate specialization program in Oral Medicine

The duration of the program for Oral Medicine specialty is 4 years, and includes two and a half years of training within the department, during which the residents are exposed to and experience the various activities of the oral medicine clinics. This includes use of modern technologies for diagnosis and treatment of the oral cavity and surrounding tissues, taking biopsies, planning and executing various dental treatment modalities in patients with complicated systemic conditions, use and interpretation of modern imaging modalities and more. In parallel to the clinical experience, the residents are required to participate in the departmental academic activities such as research, participation and preparation of seminars and teaching activities for the undergraduate students. At the end of the 2-year intra-department training, the residents are referred for 4 additional rotations of 3 months each in oral pathology (within the department) and 3 outside rotations in internal medicine, radiology and imaging and one additional choice (oral and maxillofacial surgery, anesthesia, dermatology, neurology or oncology), which take palace in one of the major hospitals.

At the end of the clinical training, the residents are required to spend 6 months of basic science research, and submit a report. Residents who already have a more advanced degree (MSc or PhD) are exempt.

After completing all requirements, residents take a written and a practical exam, organized by the scientific committee of the Israeli Dental Association, to be eligible for the specialty license awarded by the Israeli Ministry of Health. 

Post-graduate specialization program in Oral Pathology

Our department operates a specialization program in Oral Pathology for dentists that possess a permanent license from the Ministry of Health. The program, which is the only one in Israel meets the regulations of the Ministry of Health and is approved and supervised by the scientific committee of the Israel Dental Association.

The program lasts three and a half years full-time (seven years on a part-time basis) and includes two years of training in the department, and a variety of microscopic slides from a wide range of conditions from the head and neck area. The diagnosis of conditions and diseases affecting the soft and hard tissues is based on the use of various staining methods, including custom molecular methods. Simultaneously, the interns participate in academic activities that include research, preparation and presentation of seminars and academic teaching of students. At the end of the experience in our department, the interns undergo additional training that includes 3-month rotations in oral medicine in our department, and two rotations that take place in hospitals: 3-month rotation and oral surgery and one year in general pathology. At the end of the internship, the interns take a theoretical exam (Phase A) and a practical exam (Phase B), organized and supervised by the Scientific Committee of the Israeli Dental Association, to be eligible for the specialty license awarded by the Israeli Ministry of Health.


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