Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

dental X-ray

Department phone number: 972-3-6409434, Fax: 972-3-6409250

Prof. Shlomo Calderon - Head of Department


Undergraduate Studies

The department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery teaches undergraduate students in the clinical years. The department offers 3 major courses: 

  1. Pain control and local anesthesia- 4th year- The curriculum focuses on pathophysiology of pain related to dental medicine, analgesics pharmacology, methods of local anesthesia related to dental medicine, treatment methods in case of failures or complications.
  2. Applied head and neck anatomy- 4th year- The curriculum focuses on basic anatomy of the head and neck, applied anatomy related to OMS, functional physiology of the oral maxillofacial system, radiological anatomy.
  3. Oral & maxillofacial surgery- 5th and 6th years- Topics covered include applied anatomy related to OMS, patient systemic evaluation before treatment, physical examination related to OMS, the surgical approach to head and neck pathology, wound repair process, exodontia and minor oral surgery, dento-alveolar infections and their treatment, treatment of dento- alveolar and facial trauma, treatment of maxillary sinus disease, treatment of salivary glands disease, treatment of benign and malignant head and neck pathology, head and neck reconstructve surgery, orthognatic surgery, treatment of the temporomandibular joint, dental implantology, treatment of surgical complications.


In addition to the 3 courses, the undergraduate students participate in the following Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, which provide special clinical training in those areas.

  • Dental school OMS clinic.
  • OMS clinics of Sheba Medical Center and Rabin Medical Center



Research topics for graduate and doctoral students

  • Histology and histomorphometry of sinus augmentation.
  • Histology and histomorphometry of extraction sites.
  • Histology and histomorphometry of block grafting.
  • Microbiology of extraction sites.
  • Clinical research
  • Evaluation of sinus augmentation
  • Evaluation of extraction sites augmentation
  • Evaluation of block grafting
  • Evaluation of postsurgical healing
  • Evaluation of failures in implant dentistry and bone grafting
  • Evaluation of coronectomy


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