


The Advanced Graduate Program in Endodontics is a 3-year program leading to a certificate in endodontics given by the School of Continuing Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine. According to the Ministry of Health regulations, the 3-year program consists of two full academic years in the Department of Endodontology, in which half time training, i.e., 4 years in the clinical training part, is given in our department, 6 months basic science training (can also be conducted in the department), and 6 months electives.


The purpose of the program is to develop competent endodontists with an extensive background in the biological sciences, research methodology, and teaching. This broadly-based education in endodontics and related phases of graduate education provides the student with a thorough preparation for careers in specialty clinical practice, research and/or academics. The program is also designed to satisfy the guidelines for taking the specialty examination of the Scientific Council of the Israel Dental Association.

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