The Department of Ophthalmology offers ophthalmic medical education for medical students, residents, and board certified specialists in ophthalmology with their respective level of clinical experience. It encourages ophthalmic research and training opportunities for young and experienced physicians.
Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine concerned with the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the eye. The complexity of the visual pathway has intrigued physicians since ancient times and the understanding of its various aspects has evolved considerably in recent decades. With the advent of modern medicine ophthalmologists are able to offer a growing range of diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients. Preventive medicine, pharmacological treatments, surgical interventions, and visual rehabilitation are some of the diverse clinical aspects that comprise the core of ophthalmic study.
Participating departments include: Tel Aviv Medical Center, Sheba Medical Center, Assaf Harofe Medical Center, Wolfson Medical Center, Meir Medical Center, Rabin Medical Center, Kaplan Medical Center, Barzilai Medical Center and the Maccabi Health Fund.