Master's Degree Requirements - Graduate Studies
General Provisions
In order to dispel any doubt, the provisions of this chapter do not override exam procedures and regulations communicated in the "Student Notification." In cases where this chapter lacks provisions, the University’s regulations and procedures shall apply, with necessary adjustments.
Attendance Requirements
- Students must attend at least 75% of all sessions and complete assignments set by the instructor or tutor unless otherwise specified. For this purpose, a "session" includes lectures, assignments, exercises, laboratory work, and any other activities conducted inside or outside the Faculty premises as defined in the curriculum.
- Instructors or tutors may monitor attendance in any manner they see fit.
- A student who fails to meet course requirements will be referred to the course coordinator. The coordinator may decide to deny the student’s eligibility to take the exam and assign a failing grade for the course.
- Students must make up any material covered during missed sessions.
- A student unable to meet course requirements (e.g., attendance or assignments) for justified reasons (such as illness, military service, or family obligations) must notify the course coordinator in writing.
Classification and Assessment of Advanced Courses
- The classification and assessment methods of advanced courses are detailed in the table below.
- Courses with a unique structure will be reviewed by the Teaching Committee upon submission of a justified request by the course coordinator.
- Compliance with the procedures outlined in this section is mandatory. Courses that do not comply with the regulations will not be approved.
- Exam materials must be submitted to the Graduate School Secretariat. The Secretariat will forward the materials to the Teaching Committee Chair for review.
Course Classification |
Teaching Method |
Student Obligations |
Assessment |
Maximum Students |
Lecture (1–4 hours) |
Limited to 4 lecturers per course |
As instructed by the course coordinator |
Written exam, multiple choice, open questions, or a combination; take-home exams not permitted |
No limit |
Lecture and Seminar (2–3 hours) |
50% by lecturer, 50% by students |
Individual assignments and presentations as determined by the lecturer |
30% for presentations, 70% for written exams (multiple choice, open questions, or combination; no take-home exams) |
Maximum of 35 students |
Seminar (1 hour) |
First 3 lectures by the lecturer; remaining by students |
Submission and presentation of seminar work (oral or written) |
Seminar work grade |
Maximum of 10 students |
Laboratory Courses (1–2 hours) |
13–16 hours in concentrated format (7 hours/day) |
As instructed by the course coordinator |
Based on submitted lab reports |
Maximum of 8 students |
Additional Provisions
- Multiple-Choice Exams: A minimum of two questions must be written for each academic hour.
- Laboratory Courses: For high-demand lab courses, participation is limited to one student per lab, with priority for first-year research students.
- Exam Location: Determined by the Graduate School; may be held at the institution where the course was taught.
- English-Taught Courses: Assignments and exams in English-taught courses will also be conducted in English.
- Grade Distribution: The committee ensures reasonable grade distribution in courses.
Assignments and Other Requirements
- Students must pass interim exams, submit homework, and fulfill other assignments as stated in the "Notification to the Student."
- A minimum enrollment of 10 students is required for elective courses and 8 students for seminars. Courses not meeting these thresholds may be canceled, and alternative options will be offered.
Generally, at the end of each course, a supervised and anonymously graded exam or assignment will take place. Students may submit assignments or take exams only after fulfilling all course requirements as detailed in the syllabus or as notified.
- Exams may include practical, written, oral components, or a combination thereof.
- Exams will cover material detailed in the syllabus or announced to students.
- Exam dates will be published on the Graduate School’s website or communicated directly to students.
- Students are advised to participate in all first-round (session A) exams.
- Second-round (session B) exams will be as similar as possible to the first-round exams.
- Oral exams will be conducted with at least two examiners present.
- Additional exam-related information is available on the Graduate School and course websites.
Final Grade Determination
1. The final course grade may comprise various components, such as practical work, lab assignments, oral exams, or written exams.
2. Final grades are based on a scale of 100 points. Any grade below 60 in any exam component (practical, lab, oral, or written) constitutes a failure.
3. Failing the final exam results in failing the course, even if the weighted average, including assignments, is 60 or higher.
4. A final grade of "Incomplete" or "Did Not Fulfill Course Requirements" by the final deadline is equivalent to a failing grade, with all implications per Chapter 3 (Progression Requirements).
Grade Improvement
- Students who score (above 60) on a first-round exam (session A) and wish to improve their grade may register for a later exam through the "Personal Information System" up to seven days before the exam date. Registration is a prerequisite for participation.
- The later grade replaces the earlier one, even if it is lower.
- Grade improvement is not allowed after submitting a degree completion request or receiving degree eligibility confirmation.
- Students may appeal exam grades in writing within two weeks of the grade publication or one week after the exam review session, whichever comes first.
- Review sessions allow students to examine the exam under the supervision of faculty or a monitor.
- During this session, students may not:
- Copy exam questions or record other notes beyond the appeal form.
- Use smart devices, laptops, or mobile phones.
- Consult with peers or external parties.
- Appeals must be submitted during the review session using the designated form or as notified.
- If an error is identified in a multiple-choice exam question, all course grades will be corrected.
- Appeals regarding discrepancies between exam questions and answers on the answer sheet are not accepted; the answer sheet is final.
- The course coordinator reviews appeals, and grades may increase, decrease, or remain unchanged. Appeal decisions are final and briefly justified.
Midterms and Pop Quizzes
- Instructors may conduct midterms and pop quizzes.
- Midterm dates will be announced or posted on the Graduate School website.
- For assessments worth less than 20%, there will be no session B or review session, and appeals are not permitted.
Eligibility to Take Exams or Receive Grades
Students are eligible to take exams or receive grades if they meet the following conditions:
- They are officially registered as students of the university and comply with university regulations.
- They are enrolled in the course.
- They have fulfilled all academic requirements outlined in the syllabus or as communicated.
- They attended at least 75% of the sessions and completed all assigned tasks as instructed.
- There are no academic restrictions preventing participation.
Exam Conduct
Students must adhere to the following rules during exams. Violations may result in disciplinary action and exam disqualification:
- Students may only take exams in their assigned rooms and must arrive at least 10 minutes early. Room assignments will be posted one hour before the exam.
- Late arrivals (beyond 30 minutes) are not allowed; those arriving within 30 minutes receive no additional time.
- Students must present photo ID to the proctor. Those without ID cannot take the exam.
- Students may not leave the room within 30 minutes of the start and must submit all materials upon exit.
- Once a student receives the exam, they are considered to have participated. Opting not to complete the exam results in a grade of "0."
- Communication with others, copying, or unauthorized use of materials is prohibited.
- Students may not share or receive materials during the exam.
- Smart devices and phones are not allowed.
- Students must ensure anonymity by only filling in required identification details on the exam.
- Clarifications must be written on the designated form and passed to the instructor via the proctor.
- Students may leave only upon completing the exam and returning all materials.
Special Exam Accommodations
Students requesting special exam accommodations must apply to the Graduate School Secretariat at the beginning of the academic year. Eligibility is subject to approval by the Student Committee based on university regulations, including:
- Extended time for medical reasons.
- 15-minute extensions per hour for learning disabilities, subject to approval from the Counseling Center or Dean of Students.
- A 25% extension for pregnant students.
- A 30-minute extension for new immigrants (within seven years of arrival) or students whose school instruction language was not Hebrew (valid for three academic years).
- Extensions are non-cumulative.
Special Exam Dates
Students may submit a request to the Student Administration Office for a special exam date if they meet one of the following criteria:
- Students who missed an exam on the first or second scheduled dates due to active military service are eligible for a special exam. A formal confirmation of service duration must be provided. Detailed criteria are available on the university website.
- Pregnant students unable to attend an exam, including those on maternity leave or undergoing fertility treatments, may request a special exam upon providing medical documentation.
- Students who gave birth and missed an exam held within 14 weeks of delivery are eligible for a special exam.
- Students who missed an exam due to hospitalization or a significant personal tragedy may request a special exam after approval by the Student Committee and submission of relevant documentation.
- Students who missed an exam due to illness may request a special exam, subject to the following conditions:
- Presentation of a medical certificate for at least three sick days.
- The certificate must be issued during the illness and not retroactively.
- The student must have attended one of the two regular exam dates (A or B).
- No more than two requests for a special exam due to illness may be submitted per semester.
Clarifications and Additional Rules:
- Missing an exam to improve a grade or skipping one of the scheduled exam dates does not qualify for a special exam.
- Students approved for a special exam who fail to attend may only submit another request if their absence was due to hospitalization, childbirth, or military service.
- The Faculty may determine that the special exam will take place on a subsequent standard exam date (e.g., the first exam date for the course in the following semester or year). In such cases, the student must update themselves on the course material and exam format.
- Students with a weighted average below 75 may request a repeat exam to improve their grade in the following academic year by submitting a request to the Student Committee.
Publication of Dates:
Dates and times for special or subsequent exam dates will be posted on the Faculty website or communicated directly to the student